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开马口铁罐头的器具。An appliance for opening tin cans.

新的设备应该会被列出。The new appliance should be listed.

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家庭用电器家俱完美齐全!Home appliance furniture is all ready!

家庭主妇在电器行进行竞选活动。Housewife campaigns in appliance stores.

家用电器维修、清洗地毯。Home appliance repair, cleaning the carpet.

雇主从事的是器具行业。The employer was in the appliance industry.

有一年保证期的器具。An appliance carrying a full-year guarantee.

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上海亮马河家用电器有限公司。Shanghai Liangmahe House Appliance Co. , Ltd.

机器配线用高频同轴电缆“,”High Frequency Coaxial Cable for Appliance Wiring.

电器标准,也能马上制定。Appliance standards, ka-BOOM, can be had right away.

以旧换新到底应该怎么换,什么样的家电符合以旧换新标准呢?And how can one get a new appliance with his old ones?

所以,我的父亲和我去了电器店。So my father and I went to the electrical appliance shop.

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一点一滴地,这个装置的几个部分终于成形了。In dribs and drabs , parts of the appliance came together.

公司图片青松电器厂成立于1987年。Qingsong electric appliance factory was established in 1987.

中国家电市场真的饱和了吗?。Is China Household Eletric Appliance Market Really Saturated?

一个金发女郎走进了家电销售店,并且找到了一件便宜货。A blonde went to the appliance store sale and found a bargain.

不要在这家电附近存放任何易燃物品。Don't store any combustibles in the vicinity of this appliance.

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这些文件没有针对设备进行特殊的打包。There is no special packaging of these files for the appliance.

失火是由于电器打火引起的。The fire stemed from light stricken by the electrical appliance.

福特或者雷诺车可以作为宠物,丰田车则永远是工具。A Ford or a Renault can be apet. A Toyota is always an appliance.