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那似乎很不合适。That seems inappropriate.

我认为这是不合宜的行为。I think it's very inappropriate.

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标记不适当的内容。Flagging of inappropriate content.

请删去不适合者。Please delete where inappropriate.

这是不合理共享的一种情况。This is a case of inappropriate sharing.

不恰当地使用药物就是滥用药物。The inappropriate use of drugs is drug abuse.

称之为文学真的不恰当吗?Is it just inappropriate to call them literature?

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他们语言的尖锐泼辣是不恰当的。The saltiness of their language was inappropriate.

这极其荒谬。It's extraordinarily and wonderfully inappropriate.

她说不宜对此事作进一步的评论。She said it would be inappropriate to comment further.

类声明存在于不适当的上下文中。A class declaration exists in an inappropriate context.

但是要是在中国的话,这样做是不合适的,”她补充说。But in China, it is inappropriate to do so, " she adds.

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这些说法事实上被认为是不恰当的It's been determined that those terms are inappropriate.

不分类和不适当的问题可能会被删除。Miscategorized and inappropriate questions may be removed.

有一个朋友开了一个失礼的或是不合适的玩笑。where a friend tells an off-colored, or inappropriate joke.

不要穿不合时宜的衣服,嚼口香糖或是面试迟到。Don’t wear inappropriate clothing, chew gum, or show up late.

我觉得把这些细节拿出来说有点不妥。I felt those details were a little inappropriate to discuss.

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枚举声明存在于不适当的上下文中。An enumeration declaration exists in an inappropriate context.

鲍勃,对不起,我们分手吧,我们真的不合适。Bob, I am sorry, let's break up, we have really inappropriate.

另一种免疫系统的不恰当反应是过敏。Another inappropriate response of the immune system is allergy.