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被铭刻在他的墓碑上。And that is what is on his tombstone.

然后在我家附近立一个小墓碑。And please leave a small tombstone near home.

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这石匠把日期刻在墓碑上。The stonecutter inscribed the date on the tombstone.

你们告诉他们关于波耳兹曼的墓碑等事情。You told them about Boltzmann's tombstone and so forth.

墓碑是为纪念它所纪念的人而建的。A tombstone is erected in memory of whoever it commemorates.

白马塔是纪念印度和尚鸠摩罗什的马而建的。A tombstone is erected in memory of whoever it commemorates.

这个墓碑来源于诺曼底,一个英国军官。It's a tombstone in Normandy from a British Army Officer's grave.

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我指着墓碑,怯怯地解释着,“那就是我的妈妈。”I timidly explained, pointed to the tombstone. "That's my mother."

“马克给它做了一个墓碑,”她说,“但我觉得很多余。“Mark had a tombstone put in, ” she said. “I thought that was odd.

买地券作为一种随葬明器,是非常宝贵的碑刻材料。As funerary objects, "Title deed" is a precious tombstone material.

墓碑镇最为人所知的就是1881年在OK畜栏发生的枪战。Tombstone is best known as the scene of the 1881 Gunfight at the O.

翻倒的红油漆已将碑文染得模糊不清。The tombstone inscriptions are blurred by a barrel of toppled red paint.

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活到老,学到老,墓碑将是我的毕业证书。-------艾萨凯特I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.- Eartha Kitt

目前,我所看到的最好的关于,领导力的解释是在墓碑上看到的。By far the best definition of leadership I've ever seen comes from a tombstone.

正当那棺材撞向一块墓石的时候,他们向它跑去,停住了它。They run down to the coffin as it crashes up against a tombstone , stopping it.

那悲伤的寡妇放了一个花环在她丈夫的墓碑上,然后默祷一番。The sad widow placed a wreath on her husband's tombstone and said a silent prayer.

飞龙墓碑是亡灵发展的巅峰,是奋斗的终极目标。Dragon Tombstone is the crown of Necropolis development, the ultimate goal to strive for.

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中唐时期的碑志文中有大量的材料反映墓主受教育的情况。The tombstone documents offer the documents about the educational state of the tomb owner.

复制器将会调查到该墓碑文件并确保该条目从全部体系中移除。The replicator will see the tombstone and ensure that the item is removed the entire system.

请将我火化吧。并请于我家旁边树立一个小小的墓碑。我对此已经考虑良久。Please cremate me. And please leave a small tombstone near home. I've long thought about that.