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我画了一位梳辫子的姑娘。I painted a girl with a pigtail.

那个梳辫子的姑娘是谁?Who is that girl with a pigtail?

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那个梳辫子的女孩是谁?Who's that girl with a pigtail ?

扎了根破旧红丝带随风摇曳的辫子。A pigtail with a ragged red ribbon streaming in the wind.

通过图像处理,得到尾纤的端面角度。By image processing, the angle of pigtail endface is gained.

阿Q尤其“深恶而痛绝之”的,是他的一条假辫子。What Ah Q especially "hated bitterly" was his phoney pigtail.

不爱讲话的她,今天扎了两个小辫子,看起来精神多了。Do not love her speech today, bar the two pigtail , it seems more spiritual.

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小宋老师梳着一条长长的马尾辫一直拖到肩头上。Song combs along horse's tail pigtail continuously to tow to the shoulder on.

这个办公室的人,除了那个扎马尾的女孩,我都认识。I know all the people in the office with the exception of the girl with pigtail.

这个教室里的人,除了那个扎马尾巴辫的女孩,我都认识。I know all the people in the classroom with the exception of the girl with pigtail.

猪尾富含胶质,有强筋骨、补腰力的作用,两者共烹,营养美味。Pigtail glial rich, strong bones and muscles, fill the waist force, both cooked, delicious nutrition.

达力一想到自己屁股会长一条猪尾巴,就不敢太嚣张了。It was hard for Dudley to act too superior when he was afraid that he would have a pigtail at any minute.

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这个两岁大的小女孩穿着莹黄色的裹身裙,扎着两个小辫子,这样的打扮让她看起来越发可爱。The two-year-old is all the more adorable thanks to her bright yellow wrap dress and cute pigtail hairstyle.

那根充羊毛的“不皱领带”,给水洗得缩了,瘦小蜷曲,像前清老人的辫子。"wrinkle resistant tie, " shrunk by the water, was thin and twisted like an old man's pigtail in manchu times.

这次推荐以核桃和猪尾共冶一炉,是笔者近日拍摄时品尝到的美味。This recommendation with walnut and pigtail rule of a furnace, is the author recently shot to taste the delicious.

面向尾纤自动检测的需要,本文提出了基于显微投影图像的端面角度检测方法。Facing auto-testing, a testing method of angle of pigtail endface based on microscopic projection image is presented.

双儿帮着他扣衣钮,又取出一只小木梳,替他梳了头发,编结辫子。Doublet helped him do up his buttons, and, producing a little wooden comb, tithed his hair for him and plaited his pigtail.

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那根充羊毛的“不皱领带”,给水洗得缩了,瘦小蜷曲,像前清老人的辫子。The imitation wool "wrinkle resistant tie, " shrunk by the water, was thin and twisted like an old man's pigtail in Manchu times.

结果表明,猪尾管道开裂为沿晶脆性开裂,长期高温服役产生的蠕变孔洞及严重的晶间腐蚀共同导致了该管道的开裂。The results show that the cracking of pigtail tubes is brittle cracking caused by creep holes and terrible intergranular corrosion.

她有两条金黄色的小辫子,小辫子上还扎着粉红色的蝴蝶结,眼睛大大的,眉毛长长的,红润的脸颊非常招人喜爱。She has two golden yellow pigtail, pigtail still wearing a pink bow, his eyes wide open, eyebrows long, rosy cheeks and a very popular move.