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不要只是比奇的头发。Don't make it just beachy hair.

那一夜,我们途径滩头堡,前往伯明翰。The night we went to Birmingham by way of Beachy Head.

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乔伊告诉奥兰多“她有红色的装备,使我们拥有真正迄今,我们的颜色,害怕,辎,比奇。”Joey told Orlando "she's got the red outfit so we've got real far our colors, dread-y, beachy."

意在让人回想起大海的颜色,用在这里的海滩的色调突出了房间高高的天花板。Intended to recall the colors of the ocean, the beachy shade used here highlights the home's high ceilings.

我们重新装饰了门廊的地面,让这里看起来更加轻松,更有海滩的感觉。We re-carpeted the hall in a thin stripe of duck egg and off white which gives it a more beachy light look.

咖啡色宽腰带和统一色调的低高跟鞋使这条白色长裙似乎更务实。A wide brown leather belt and low heels in the same hue make this white dress seem less beachy and more businesslike.

周末,他的父母便开着家里的三排座汽车前往140英里外的比奇角。He was certified dead at his home on Friday evening. At the weekend his parents drove in their people carrier 140 miles to Beachy Head.

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过去由于腿脚强健,我曾经快乐地走上从伊斯特博恩通往海滩头的那座高山,非常舒畅地享受艳阳与和风。In time past, strong of foot, I walked gaily up the noble hill that leads to Beachy Head from Eastbourne, joying greatly in the sun and the wind.

华盛顿大学植物病理学家罗杰·比奇正在研究把抗病基因引进木薯。木薯是非洲许多地方的一种重要的粮食来源。Washington University plant pathologist Roger Beachy is working on introducing genes for disease resistance into cassava, a critical food source for much of Africa.

五岁男童因脑膜炎早夭,痛不欲生的父母怀抱装有他遗骸的帆布包在比奇角跳崖身亡。A grieving couple plunged to their deaths at Beachy Head clutching a rucksack containing the body of their five-year-old boy after he died of meningitis, it emerged today.