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汤姆的讥讽令他十分窘迫。He was hazed by Tom's satire.

讽刺针对现代贪婪。The satire aimed at modern greed.

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强烈的讽刺味道扑面而来。A sense of satire is strongly felt.

讽刺作品很少有创造性的思想。Satire rarely offers original ideas.

进入假新闻和讽刺的世界吧。Enter the world of fake news and satire.

这是一部惊人的讽刺作品。It is a very astonishing piece of satire.

讽刺作品之所以存在是因为人们需要它。Satire exists because there is need for it.

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他赌新跨本是一怖讽刺什乇业蹬作聘。His play is a satire on the fashion industry.

但是现实跟讽刺文学的差距也并不远。But reality is not so far removed from satire.

他的诗带有讽刺性His poems participate of the nature of satire.

皇帝也过讽刺他们的诗。The Emperor has written a satire against them.

伟大的讽刺作品需要伟大的怪异故事来滋养它。Great satire needs the sustenance of great fable.

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实际上,这是对美式日常生活的讽刺。It was actually a satire of everyday American life.

他是一个备受批评和充满讽刺的人物。He is a figure of critique. He's a figure of satire.

她的支持者们说那条信息只是讥讽之意。Her supporters said the retweet was meant as satire.

讽刺作品有助于促进人们认识真相。Satire serves to prod people into an awareness of truth.

但是辛克莱·刘易斯把它写成了辛辣的讽刺作品。But with Sinclair Lewis, it became simply burning satire.

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那部影片是关于广告业的一部巧妙的讽刺作品。The movie is a clever satire on the advertising industry.

小说以辛辣的讽刺和批判的现实主义见长。The novel is characterized by sharp satire and critic realism.

是他们在讽刺正直的人们吗?。Are their leavings a satire upon the self-righteous people here?