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这会在你融入‘光’之后,在‘融合的时刻’之后发生。It occurs after you melt into the Light. After the Moment of Mergence.

重组后的中交集团,总部设在北京。The head office of the Group after its mergence is located in Beijing.

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第二部份阐述了星光公司并购德昌电力公司的必要性和可行性。The second part analyzes the necessity and feasibility of the mergence project.

没入生育险吗?假如有的话是市里统一办理支付手续的呀。Mergence birth danger? If some words are, unite in city deal with those who pay formalities.

现代社会,公私法的融合造成全新的社会法。In modern society, the mergence of the public law and civil law gives rise to a brand-new social law.

在中国哲学史上,儒佛道三教之间既冲突又融合。In Chinese philosophical history, there are conflict and mergence among Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism.

车辆防溜监控系统与车站6502电气集中的结合。The mergence of the anti running vehicles supervisory system and the station 6502 all-electric interlocking.

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这反映了秦、楚、巴蜀三地之间文化上的交流、碰撞与融合关系。This is the reflection of the cultural exchange, conflict and mergence in the three areas of Qin, Chu and Shu.

它有更本质的东西,那是显而易见的,那就是顽强奋斗的精神以及文化的融合。The essences of Kaiping blockhouse are simple and obvious, they are spirit of struggle and mergence of cultures.

桶形基础平台是世界上用于开发边际油田的一种最新型平台。Bucket foundation platform is an up to date platform used in the exploitation of mergence oil fields in the word.

普通话是在历史长时间冶炼,多民族多方交融的结果。Putonghua has actually resulted from the mergence of various ethnic groups and it was over a long period of time.

单体的合并也起了一定的作用,而且单体的分离合并与低空急流的脉动有关。In addition, the cells'breakaway and mergence have a connection with the perturbation of the jet in low atmosphere.

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此外,结合改进的网格重建算法和网格合并算法,提出了可行的海量数据网格重建方法。Furthermore, combined with mesh mergence algorithm, the mesh reconstruction algorithm is good for large-scale point data.

我们应该有意识促进自然科学和人文学科之间的大融合,才能创造出更加灿烂辉煌的文化。We must accelerate the mergence between the Humanities and science consciously, then we can create more splendid culture.

北魏统一中原前十六国政权的汉化先声,是魏晋南北朝民族大融合的重要组成部分。Chinesization was an essential part of national mergence during Wei and Jin Dynasties and Southern and Northern Dynasties.

美国英语的形成和发展过程伴随着对非英裔移民语言的借鉴和吸收。The American history is always accompanied by the mergence and development of its language, and the process is still continuing now.

探索高等学校人文教育与科学教育的融合是近年来高等教育研究的一个热点问题。To explore mergence of art education and science education in higher school is a hot topic in higher education research in recent years.

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完善高等学校课程结构体系是实现人文教育与科学教育融合的有效途径。To perfect course construction system in higher school is an effective way to realize the mergence of art education and science education.

基于IPD算法的特点,第四章提出了简单、高效的冗余三角形回向删除方法,进而利用IPD算法缝合网格。Chapter 4 presents a mesh mergence algorithm driven by IPD algorithm, before which the redundant triangles are deleted by backwards approach.

近代“新史学”的勃兴实际上是中西文化认同融合创新的显例。The vigorous growth of the "New Science of History"is, in fact, the obvious example of the mergence and creation of the Chinese-western culture.