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然而,我却需要看它,向它屈服。And yet I succumb to watching it.

他不会对这样的条款做出让步的。He would not succumb to such an item.

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无论你做什么,都不要屈服于它。Whatever you do, don't succumb to it.

商业领袖们会被这些观点折服吗?Will business leaders succumb to these ideas?

企业可能在竞争下覆亡。Businesses succumb to competition and disappear.

但我们从不屈服于分裂或猜疑。But we will not succumb to division or suspicion.

你从不趋附于困难的挑战。You will never succumb to challenges of hardships.

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忽视逆境就是自我欺骗。To ignore them is to succumb to ultimate self-delusion.

但为什么,一个一度强大的文明竟会屈服于西方呢?But why did a once-mighty civilisation succumb to the West?

拖延者经常屈服于这种完美主义。Procrastinators often succumb to this sort of perfectionism.

另外在某些情况下,不屈服于恐惧也很重要。It is important not to succumb to panic in some circumstances.

我们之中的大多数人都抵挡不住传播媒介的宣传。Most of us are known to succumb to persuasion through the media.

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忽视逆境其实就是在欺骗自己。To ignore adversity is to succumb to the ultimate self-delusion.

它最终将覆灭于自由与进步的力量。It will eventually succumb to the forces of freedom and progress.

如果认为脸谱网某一天不会同样屈服是愚蠢的。It would be foolish to think Facebook won’t succumb one day, too.

一个士兵永远不该在战场上屈服于困倦。One should never succumb to fatigue when alone on the battlefield.

多年在林中享有权利的香柏树,竟死在樵夫手下!The aged denizen of the forest is doomed to succumb to the woodman's stroke!

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幼树很快死亡,而成年白蜡树往往在几年后死亡。Young trees die fast while mature ash often take several years to succumb 7.

小王说,他不断地提醒自己,绝不能陷入麻木的泥潭中去。Wang says he has to constantly remind himself not to succumb to such numbness.

不过,“中国热带天堂”的魅力是不可否认的,很多游客都深深地陶醉其中。Yet the charms of tropical China are undeniable, and plenty of visitors succumb.