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住宅才是关键所在。Housing is the key driver.

第三章,房地产市场的萧条。Segment three the Housing bust.

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地产市场还是一塌糊涂。The housing market still sucks.

房屋价格已经涨为天价。Housing prices have skyrocketed.

亚利桑那州,太阳城,沿街房屋Tract Housing in Sun City, Arizona

安装凸轮轴室盖。Install cover for camshaft housing.

杆端座体带有可焊接的基座。Rod end housing with weldable base.

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我们将支持兴建更多的公共住宅。We'll plunk for more public housing.

我的专业就是房屋产权。and actually my specialty is housing.

这里的房价高吗?Are the housing prices expensive here?

投机房一定是空房。Speculative housing must be available.

该市批准了一项住房建筑规划。The city authorized a housing project.

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这家报纸鼓吹要改善住房条件。The paper agitated for better housing.

这个问题是关于房产指数的The question is about housing indexes.

高压铸铝灯体。High-pressure casting aluminum housing.

楼市的一个领域可能会显示出一些希望。One area of housing could show some hope.

他们生活在一个分流人口的居住区。They live on an overspill housing estate.

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2010年中国的房价将达到顶点?Will China's housing prices peak in 2010?

电装外接地端子必须接地。Ground terminal on housing must be earthed.

你去大学的宿管部问了吗?Did you go to the university housing office?