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鱼鳞病的发病因素是多方面的。Ichthyosis's morbidity factor is various.

营养相关疾病患病率较高。Morbidity rate of nutrition-related diseases is high.

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在脑梗死后遗症期具有较高的重度抑郁的发生率。There is an higher morbidity of PCID in linger effect stage.

而肝活检是有创、高成本且有并发症的。Liver biopsies are invasive, costly, and associated with morbidity.

预防性使用抗生素不能降低VAP的发生。Preventive antimicrobial usage can not decrease the morbidity of VAP.

酒精肝是世界范围类致病死亡的主因所在。Alcoholic hepatitis is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide.

ICD是对死亡率和发病率进行分类的唯一国际标准。ICD is the international standard for classifying mortality and morbidity.

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肥胖是死亡的一个危险因素,也是发病率和致残的主要原因。Obesity as a risk factor for death, but also for morbidity and disablement.

您能否与我们分享一些注射乙肝疫苗能够减少肝癌发生的资料?Can you share some data about that vaccine could reduce the morbidity of HCC?

药物疗法的目的是改善病情,防止并发症。The goal of pharmacotherapy is to reduce morbidity and to prevent complications.

术后主要并发症为低心排血量和心室颤动。The major morbidity were low cardiac output syndrome and ventricular fibrillation.

术后BGC控制不良是院内死亡率和发病率的预测因子。Inadequate postoperative BGC is a predictor of in-hospital mortality and morbidity.

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此研究发表于CDC出版物,发病率及死亡率每周报告上。The study is published in a CDC publication, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

如延误诊断内疝气,很可能给病人带来比预期高出许多的并发症及致死性。A delay in diagnosis of IH may result in high expectation of morbidity and mortality.

结论尘肺病发病率与累积接尘量有直接关系。The morbidity of pneumoconiosis is closely related with the accumulated dust content.

充血性心力衰竭是发病率高、病亡率高的心脏疾患。Congestive heart failure is a public health problem with high mortality and morbidity.

它通常是良性且自限性的疾病,但是也会引发严重的眼部病症。It is typically benign and self-limiting, but significant ocular morbidity may develop.

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苏州市区35周岁以上常住人口的患病率处于较高的水平。Morbidity rate of CND in residents over 35 in Suzhou urban area was comparatively high.

胆瘘的外科处理有着很高的发病率与死亡率。Surgical management of biliary fistulas is associated with high morbidity and mortality.

研究人员发现,苹果多酚能降低结肠癌的发病率。Researchers found that polyphenols in apple can lower the morbidity of colorectal cancer.