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我们认为这些数据是很有用的。We regard these din thea as very useful.

2005年2月5日,迪士尼乐园赢得了2个油茶奖项。February 5th, 2005. Walt Disney World takes home 2 more Thea Awards.

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茶皂角甙是由结构相似5─7种三萜类皂甙元构成。Thea saponin is to make up similar structure 5-7 species sapogening of triterpenoid saponin.

林奈笔下的红褐茶,或者说是红茶样子也差不多,只不过更小并且颜色更深一点。Thea bohea, black tea, was described as looking nearly the same—only smaller and somewhat darker.

采用改良的ER培养基,附加不同种类的植物生长调节物质,使茶树接近成熟的种子的子叶基部及子叶柄形成胚状体。The use of improved ER medium will enable cotyledons basis and cotyledon petiole of the Thea sinensis L. to develop embryoid.

在这些主题中,有几个可以帮助去更好的理解全球时报社论背后的想法。Of these themes, several emerged that help better understand the thinking behind editorials like the one in theâ Global Times.

散文,反思与多元文化,让进入,多学科的创造性见解西娅鲍曼个人的回忆。Essays, reflections and personal reminiscences that give insight into the multicultural, multidisciplinary creativity of Thea Bowman.

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渴求陪伴也想要寻找些许的浪漫,于是西娅注册成为AshleyMadison.com网站的会员,该网站中有很多已婚却有出轨意图的人。Seeking company and a little romance, Thea became a member of, a web site that connects married people wanting to have an affair.

当医生应诊到来看希娅时,卡隆堡太太正在反思待洗的衣服已延误一周,并正在决定如何处理。When the doctor came in to see Thea. Mrs. Kronborg was reflecting that the washing was a week behind. and deciding what she had better do about it.

几年前西娅和丈夫搬迁到洛杉矶时,她四周没有朋友,在丈夫整天忙于工作时,她常常感觉非常孤单。When Thea and her husband moved to Los Angeles a few years ago she had no friends close by and was alone frequently while her husband worked long hours.

几年前西娅和丈夫搬迁到洛杉矶时,她周围没有朋友,在丈夫整天忙于工作时,她经常感觉非常孤单。When Thea and her husband moved to Los Angeles a few years ago, she had no friends close by and was alone frequently while her husband worked long hours.

生命月刊曾经说世界上最国有化的医疗是在俄国苏维埃时代,这个杂志在1970年一月份的Â版中刊出了很多这个题材的照片,让我们来看看其中的一些。Life Magazine once called the Soviet medicine the most nationalized in the world. In the issue of January 1970 a lot of pictures on this topic were published.

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我们知道,这并不简单,但你们有时感到的真实的痛苦正是驱策你们内省的动力,你们正处在一次巨大突破的风口浪尖。We know it is not easy, but the very real pain you at times feel, is the motivating driver of inner reflection.  You are on the cusp of a great quantum leap.

麦凯恩有很广泛的支持率,会对在十一月威斯康星州的选举产生重大影响,而该州选区在过去一直是选举的焦点之争。MaCain has broad appeal, which could prove important in November's general election in thea state such as Wisconsin , which has been a battleground in past elections.

这个星期,微软公司同意停止与欧盟竞争官员们的官司。世界上最大的软件公司在欧洲法庭上撤回了剩下的起诉。This week Microsoft agreed to end its fight against European Union competition officials. The world's largest software company withdrew its remaining appeals at thea European court.