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起风了。The wind rise.

我仍将奋起。Still I'll rise.

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鱼儿浮上水面。Fish rise to the surface.

让我起来飞诌吧。Let me rise and fly away.

溜溜球既可以上升也可以下降。A yo-yo can rise and fall.

这条河发源于什么地方?Where does the river rise?

簇新的一天,闪亮登场!A new day ! Rise and shine!

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就像一场揭竿而起的战斗?Just like a battle rise up?

阳光不升起,也不消翳。That doth not rise nor set.

印度唱腔唱河的崛起。India Arie sings River Rise.

今天的皁霞及芦苇。Today's Rise Clouds & Reeds.

鸟在飞行中时高时低。Birds rise and dip in flight.

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恐惧使他的毛发竖立起来。Fear caused his hair to rise.

那颗星将会越升越高吗?Will that star rise and rise?

人能从坟墓中死而复生吗?Can a man rise from the grave?

译〕跌倒容易爬起难。One may sooner fall than rise.

第二天我一早就起来。The next morning I rise early.

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不劳你起身。Don't trouble yourself to rise.

汽油收费在七月份会上涨。Gass charges will rise in July.

现在,这只会引发悲叹。Now it gives rise to jeremiads.