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这是一个巨大的进步。So it's a big improvement.

是的,这是我改进的着法。Yes, it is my improvement.

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勤能补拙。不断练习才会进步。Practice only makes for improvement.

还有改进的余地。There is still room for improvement.

这班有明显的进步。The class made noticeable improvement.

分等级控制器的改进。Improvement of hierarchical controllers.

王汉表示,“此次上调评级非常正常。The ratings improvement is quite normal.

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这种情况是可以改善的.The situation is capable of improvement.

但是,这一对总觉有需要改进的地方。But there is always room for improvement.

他的健康根本没有好转的希望。His health is hopeless of any improvement.

这个班已有引人注目的进步。The class has made noticeable improvement.

不够尊重孕育进步的过程。Not respecting the gestation of improvement.

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生产废品率的降低和持续改善。Reduction of S&D and continuous improvement.

同以往所用r.k克列恩计算公式相比较,有新的改进。This formula is a great improvement on R. K.

一个毫无好转期望的7岁小鬼呢?A seven-year-old with no hope of improvement?

看不出你的写作有什么起色。I cannot see any improvement in your writing.

切眉或多或少能将其改善些。The improvement can cut more or less eyebrow.

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然而,这些好转的迹象并不平衡。The signs of improvement are patchy, however.

改进灯芯粗细后的测试纪录。Improvement wick thick thin after test record.

学校的办学条件得到了很大的改善。The new school represents a great improvement.