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穿兰色衣服的孩子是汤姆。The holy moly in grey is Tom.

那儿的男孩必要一支钢笔。The holy moly there needs a pen.

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适用于钼箔带的轧制。Suitable for the rolling of Moly foil strip.

“哎呀,鼹鼠,你怎么可以这样说?”河鼠惊慌地说。MOLY , how could you?' said the Rat, dismayed.

写这封信的男孩必要一支钢笔。The holy moly to write this letter needs apen.

那男孩以前曾经看过那部笑剧片了。The holy moly had previously seen the comedy prior to.

油脂必须有钼和石墨和数量要更多。The grease must have moly and graphite and quantity must be more.

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厨房事情使这男孩长大为一名好好厨师。Working in the kitchen madvertisementse a triwisod cook out of the holy moly.

钼精矿焙烧脱硫过程中烟气污染和资源浪费严重。The fume pollution and resource waste were very serious during desulphurizing of Moly concentrate.

简要介绍了从钼精选尾矿中回收铜,选铜尾矿中回收硫的生产实践。The paper briefly reviews the production practices of recovering Cu from moly cleaner tailings and farther recovering S from the copper tailings.

在国际钼产品市场上,金堆城钼业公司的定价水平代表了中国钼行业的价格形象。Jinduicheng Molybdenum Mining Corpoeration is leading pricing of China moly industry and also represented China moly pricing in the international moly market.

提出制定新政策的建议和结合硫酸生产实现钼精矿集约化焙烧等一系列对策。A series of proposals to formulate new policy were put forward as well as countermeasures to realize intensive baking of Moly concentrate combining with sulphuric acid production.

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论文虽以“JDC”钼炉料产品为背景,但其定价方法和模型对同类企业也具有一定的参考价值。Though this dissertation used JDC Moly Metallurgical Products as the background, the price setting model and methodology would have a certain reference value to the similar enterprises.

资源性产品尤其是钼化工产品定价策略的有效性和先进性对增强企业竞争力和发展后劲具有较大影响。Validity and advancement of pricing strategy from Moly chemical products on basis of "JDC" moly resource will be benefit for improvement of enterprise competitive power and developing stamina.