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就算是布拉德•欣茨本人其实也明白这个道理。Even Brad Hintz knows that.

我是优达因的布莱德·摩尔。This is Brad Moore from Yoyodyne.

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布莱德和詹妮弗真是苦尽甜来。Brad and Jen, you've come a long way.

布拉德已成了一个彻头彻尾的吸大麻成瘾的人。Brad had turned into a real pot-head.

这只属于皮特和我们的冒险。It belongs to Brad or our adventures.

她的男朋友比布拉德·彼特还帅。Her boyfriend is cuter than Brad Pitt.

大家伙布莱德在一张大大的蓝色的床上。The big blok Brad in the big blue bed.

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布拉德·彼特,不会吧!顶多就是像乔治·克鲁尼。Brad Pitt, my ass! George Clooney at best.

布莱德将我俩住的这边修整了一番。Brad and I fixed our side of the house up.

您有一通布莱德·布莱达克打来的对方付费电话。You have a collect call from Brad Braddock.

你不能错过那部布拉德·皮特的新电影。You have to go see the new Brad Pitt movie.

我在收音机上听到布莱德.韦恩上尉在叫喊。I heard Lt. Brad Winn on the radio, shouting.

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布莱德。彼特是令许多年轻女性倾心的男子。Brad Pitt is a heartthrob for many young women.

到那时,布拉德将本身作为一个超等明星。Till then, Brad set himself as a super stardom.

布莱德不瘦,头戴短尖帽,留着长胡子.。Brad is not thin, has a short hat and a long beard.

“无耻混蛋”主演布拉德皮特和礼罗斯。"Inglorious Basterds" stars Brad Pitt and Eli Roth.

什么是生命的意义,据布拉德深圳?What is the meaning of life according to Brad Feld ?

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美国爱荷华州立大学的布希曼著了先鞭。Brad J. Bushman of Iowa State University took the lead.

你有听说关于布莱德·彼特最新婚外情的内幕消息吗?Did you get the inside scoop on Brad Pitt's new affair?

不论晴雨,布莱德每天都会带女儿去散步。Brad took his daughter walking every day, rain or shine.