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大气降水淋滤-渗滤模式。Meteoric water leaching-percolation REE model.

对流热液主要来源于大气降水。The convecting fluid come mainly from meteoric water.

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球粒陨石的或与之相关的。A stone of meteoric origin characterized by chondrules.

中国很高的数字是其流星般物质增长的原因。China’s high number helps explain its meteoric material rise.

成矿流体是以岩浆水为主,混有古大气水的混合流体。The main ore fluid was magma water mixed with meteoric water.

飞黄腾达,每位家长都希望自己的孩子将来能平步青云。Apprentice, every parent wants their children will be a meteoric rise.

20世纪的90年代他还是一个学生,然而他的升迁是飞黄腾达的。He was still a student at the start of the 1990s, but his rise was meteoric.

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警方猜测这有可能是一块比陨石还要罕见的陨冰。Police guess it might be meteoric ice, which is even more rare than meteoric stone.

它是由通过前泥盆系的深循环天水形成。It was formed by the deep circulation of meteoric water through the Pre Devonian systems.

其中包括罕见的对流星余迹的双站观测资料。Among these material meteoric trails observed simultaneously by two stations are peculiar.

预计在未来的数年中癌症和糖尿病等疾病将迅速增加。Meteoric rises in illnesses like cancer and diabetes are predicted for the next few years.

事实上,严琦事业的一日千里,和重庆市的腾飞一样,单纯靠逻辑无法解释。Indeed, Yan Qi's meteoric rise, like that of the city, is difficult to explain by logic alone.

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荣膺2008-2009赛季最佳新秀的闪耀表现只是罗斯青云直上的一个开始。A stellar 2008-2009 Rookie of the Year season was just the beginning of a meteoric rise for Rose.

它们可能反映了流星带电体与地球磁场的相互作用。It may reflect that the meteoric charged body and the Earth's magnetic field interact with each other.

虽然中国的患者数与世界总数相比还是很少的,但是数字的上升速度惊人。China's numbers are still relatively smaller relative to world totals, but their rise has been meteoric.

由于火山爆发和陨星的撞击,类似于月球上的环形山地在地球上产生了。Craters resembling those on the moon are produced on the earth both by volcanic activity and by meteoric impact.

其次根据流星群的条件,定出三条划分火流星群的原则。And then, three principles are established for dividingbolide groups according to the condition of meteoric group.

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这家公司在短时间内急速发展——其规模自2009年以来翻了一番,并且在国际竞争者的包夹中杀出一条血路。The company has grown at a meteoric pace, doubling in size since 2009 and pushing international competitors aside.

随着令人眼花缭乱的事业提升和志向远大的销售业绩等承诺,双方的渴望都燃烧得愈发炽烈。Desire burns ever hotter on both sides, with promises of meteoric career advancement and soaring sales performance.

由于流星余迹通信链路的随机性、复杂性和多变性,不能准确地对其进行定量分析。Meteoric trail communication link cant be analyzed accurately because of its randomicity, complexity and inconstancy.