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将扣击板安放在B-柱上。Position striker on B-pillar.

他突然采用无中锋踢法。He suddenly played without a striker.

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从车辆上拆下扣击板和垫片。Separate striker and spacer from vehicle.

快靶男子离开,强右前锋。Fast target men left, strong striker right.

我感受到作为一个射手我必须要射门得分,这是我的工作。I feel a striker has to score. It is my job.

从闩眼放松座椅背锁闩。Release the seatback latch from the striker.

我的表弟是足球运动员,他是前锋。My cousin is a soccer player,he is a striker.

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波尔多前锋查马克已经是囊中之物。Bordeaux striker Marouane Chamakh is in the bag.

这都是一个天生的二前锋。It all adds up to a natural-born second striker.

马努是个好前锋,但我们不能带六个前锋。Manu is a good striker. We can’t carry six strikers.

前锋艾伦讔·史密斯两次严重失误,将球射偏。Striker Alan Smith was guilty of two glaring misses.

南斯拉夫前锋米赫洛域头球破网为帕尔马领先。Yugoslav striker Savo Milosevic had headed Parma ahead.

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法尔考将会是球队的第三前锋。Falcao would have been the third striker in SLB’s squad.

祖国如有难,汝应作前锋。If the motherland is difficult, you should be a striker.

拉齐奥就合同的问题与球员托马索·基进行了谈话。Lazio are in contract talks with striker Tommaso Rocchi.

阿根廷射手苏沙为乌甸尼斯射入致胜一球。Argentinian striker Roberto Sosa scored Udinese's winner.

大家觉得他在前锋位置踢不出来,而且我们已经有了拉法了。People felt he couldn't play as a striker and I had Rafa.

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从周二开始,这名万众期待的前锋已经参加合练了。The striker has only been in full sessions since Tuesday.

两翼则可以自由的协助一位中锋。Two wingers are then free to support one central striker.

塞维利亚射手卡努特的名字和切尔西联系到一起。Sevilla striker Fredi Kanoute is being linked with Chelsea.