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你不能得到任何人的信任吗?Not got anyone you can confide in?

我绝对信任他的忠实可靠。I confide absolutely in his honesty.

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跟紧我,指引我,信赖我。Stay close enough to guide me, confide in me.

琼觉得她只有向她妈妈倾吐心中的秘密。Jone felt she could only confide in her mother.

别把你的怒气或怨念倾泄到孩子身上。Don't confide your anger or your grief to your child.

因此,他们找到更少的人能够与他们信赖。Therefore they find fewer people with whom they can confide.

人们越信任你,就越会向你倾诉他们的心事。The more people trust you, the more they will confide in you.

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经过十年的交往,他是我可以充分信赖的人。After ten years of friendship, he is the one I can confide in.

麻烦在于,你的妈妈选择向你吐露真情。The difficulty is that your mother has chosen to confide in you.

麻烦在于,你的妈妈选择向你吐露真情。The difficulty is that your mother has chosen to confide in you.

主啊!我要向你倾心吐意,愿我清晨的祈祷达到你面前。Lord! I will confide to you. May my morning prayers reach your face.

他极想向某个人吐露他失败的感受。He wanted desperately to confide in some about iii feelings of failure.

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她不肯向我透露,也不同意返回无冬城。She will not confide in me, nor will she agree to return to Neverwinter.

如果你不愿意寻求治疗,那么可以向一名值得信赖的朋友或心爱的人吐露。If you're reluctant to seek treatment, confide in a trusted friend or loved one.

几乎没有什么人能走进他的心里,没有人比哈里和威廉更亲密。There are few people they can confide in, and no one's closer to William than Harry.

几乎没有什么人能走进他的心里,没有人比哈里和威廉更亲密。There are few people they can confide in, and no one’s closer to William than Harry.

保持距离,友好却不要太亲近,不要向同事袒露太私人的生活细节。Be friendly but not over-familiar. Don't confide intimate details to your colleagues.

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因为人们可以向你忏悔,他们可以向你吐露秘密,可以帮你。This is because people can confess to you, they can confide in you,they can help you.

第二天晚上,她又回师发起攻势,请侄女向她倾诉衷肠。She returned to the charge the next evening, and requested her niece to confide in her.

发出会心的微笑,和朋友谈谈心,不吝付出,柔和待人,始终如一。Smile with your heart, confide in others, give to others, be gentle with others, always.