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这就是矛盾地昌修。It is the conflicting Chang Soo.

工程师们如何寻找其中矛盾的结合点呢?So how can engineers balance the conflicting demands?

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这名司机被相抵触的路标给弄糊涂了。The driver was bewildered by the conflicting road signs.

如何解决组合过程中的冲突是D-S证据理论面临的一个难题。One problem in D-S theory is how to deal with conflicting.

有如此多的相互矛盾的意见是关于饮食和营养。There is so much conflicting advice about diet and nutrition.

关于达根的背景,存在各种不同的报道。There have been conflicting reports about Duggan's background.

我们一起讨论问题,为一道难题争得面红耳赤,各不相让。We discuss problems, for a problem was flushed and conflicting.

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这些挑战由于相互冲突的要求进一步增加。These challenges are further compounded by a conflicting demand.

关于该病的严重程度还存在相互矛盾的数据。There is also conflicting data about the severity of the disease.

这样两个互相矛盾的定义有助于区分爱与欲望。These two conflicting definitions help to separate love from lust.

因为利润可以量化,但某地区的问题常常繁多而互相冲突的,难以量化。The many and often conflicting demands of a local community are not.

对于帕沙克如何死亡,其家人向警方的说法前后矛盾。Her family gave police conflicting stories about how Ms. Pathak died.

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我怀着十分矛盾的心情回到旅馆。I went back to the hotel with very conflicting feelings in my breast.

像SOA一样,SOI有着许多不同甚至偶尔冲突的定义。Like with SOA, SOI has different and sometimes conflicting definitions.

您需要在这两个矛盾的目标之间找到适当的平衡。You need to find the right balance between these two conflicting goals.

也不仅仅是个人协调冲突需求的过程。It's not just a question of private reconciliation of conflicting needs.

绊脚石正是它们对空间和时间观念的冲突。The stumbling block lies with their conflicting views of space and time.

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生产者与消费者之间的利益冲突将永远存在。The conflicting interests of producers and consumers will be everlasting.

委婉一点的说,会议桌上会有利益冲突。There would, to put it mildly, be conflicting interests around the table.

而在你的家庭和国家间,有互相冲突的团体。And that you have conflicting communities that your family and your country.