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但是,尼采坚决反对唯科学主义。Nevertheless, Nietzsche was firmly against Scientism.

科学主义是现代西方两大哲学思潮之一。Scientism is a major part of modem western philosophy.

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这些胜利也催生了唯科学主义的观点。These victories has also produced the viewpoints of Scientism.

科学主义是一种视科学为唯一与最高标准的社会思潮。Scientism is a social thought that takes science as only and tiptop standard.

文学理论的现代性表现为理论言语的科学化与体系化。The modernity of literary theory is evident scientism and systematism of diction.

科学实在论是现代科学主义重建形而上学的一种新形态。Scientific realism is a new form of metaphysics reestablished by modern scientism.

涂尔干的社会学方法论是实证主义的,也是唯理性—科学主义的。His methodology of social sciences is positivism as well as rationalism and scientism.

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培养严谨、求实、细致、认真、负责的工程素养和科学精神。Processes of precise, factualistic, serious-minded and responsible personality and scientism.

崇拜科学的唯科学主义并不具备真正的科学精神,真正的科学精神恰恰是合理性的怀疑。Scientism that idolising science is not the essence of science , which is just rational scepticism.

人类中心主义、唯发展主义和科技至上观是生态危机的主要思想根源。Anthropocentrism, developmentalism and scientism are three tough roots going deep into human thinking.

在研究的现实路径上,编辑出版学的科学主义和人文主义特征鲜明。Current means of Redactology & Publishing Science have distinct characteristics of scientism and humanism.

中国的科学主义思潮是中西文化的交流中西方科学主义东渐的结果。The trend of scientism in China is the result of culture communication and importing between west and east.

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中国佛教是在近代科学主义流行的历史时期步入复兴之路的。Chinese Buddhism assumed its new vitality during the historical period when modern scientism became popular.

哲学解释学对知性文化的反思,主要集中在科学主义的统治上。Philosophical hermeneutics' reflection to understanding-culture mainly focused on the domination of scientism.

他们的分析表明,科学主义是对科学理性的“误解”,科学理性必须转向。They showed that scientism is a mis-reading of rationality of science, and the rationality must be reoriented.

但不论是个人成功,或是更广义地视为科学主义之盛行,其中还有更深层的涵义。But his individual success in particular, and the rise of scientism in general, reveals something deeper still.

西方社会由于对理性主义和物质财富的追求,造成了人性危机和科学主义危机。The western nations is surrounded by the crisis of humanity and scientism because of their pursuit of reason and wealth.

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朱谦之将“情”视为宇宙本体,主张以直觉方法去体认,贬抑理性的作用,对唯科学主义进行了批判。It is seemed as the reality of the universe and could only be hold by intuition. He debases reason and critic the scientism.

科学主义教育和人文主义教育在师生关系上存在根本的分歧。There are radical difference in relationship between teacher and students between scientism education and humanism education.

唯理主义、科学主义和消费主义既是现代性畸形发展的结果,又是把现代性推向绝路的动力。As a result of the extreme development of modernity, rationalism, scientism and consumerism bring modernity into the road to ruin.