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船尾是通俗易懂仅通船长沙龙的画廊。The stern gallery is accessibly only through the Captain's salon.

通俗易懂的几个不同版本,面向不同圈子的任务。Accessibly several different versions, oriented to different circle of tasks.

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这些都是更通俗易懂的解决方案,其价格是目前设在范围100-150美元。These are more accessibly solutions, whose price is now located in the range 100-150 dollars.

该通俗易懂的大量调整为每个网站是个人,也与特别的脚本。The accessibly of large number of tuning for each site is individual, and also work with the special scripts.

一篇很好的文章,深入浅出地分析了中国的食品安全问题的现状及根源。A good article. It analyses the present situation and sources of food safety problems in China simply and accessibly.

第三个基本要素在我们论述庞大的社会组织时,也许会以最纯粹最易理解的方式自行体现出来。The third basic element probably presents itself most purely and most accessibly when we are dealing with large social organizations.

过去的研究主要将视角置于其自然属性,视其为自然科学的范畴,探讨如何对其作出精准、同时不失生动的报道。Most researchers have regarded environmental issue just as a scientific problem, and discussed how to report it accurately and accessibly.

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刚刚到了国外,看到一切如此美好,开始所接触的人也个个善良可亲,因此很容易疏忽大意。Just went to abroad, see everything is so good, the person that begins a contact also each is kind-hearted and accessibly , because this is very easy neglectful.

至今,ACU大学仍然保持着在该领域内的领先地位,并继续为护理专业在读学生提供实用的学习环境。Till now, ACU is still maintaining its leadership in nursing education and will continue to provide an accessibly practical learning environment for nursing students.

目前我们在转会市场上并没有什么动作,因为我们认为目前转会市场上的球员和我们现有的球员大抵相当,甚至还不如我们的球员。At the moment we have not made any purchase because we believe that the accessibly players on the market are equal or even inferior to the ones we already have in the squad.

影片从历史的真实面貌出发,并没有将主人公神化,而是将一个有血有肉可亲可敬的领袖人物全面的展现出来。Film sets out from true appearance of the history, do not have hero apotheosis, show the cacique person with an accessibly and respected vivid in the round however come out.

当Rand几乎首创性地成为第一个倡导个人主义思潮,当然,还有利己主义思潮的哲人时,没有人认为她能如愿以偿,抑或在愿望上也是不可行、且缺乏说服力的。While Rand was hardly the first philosopher to advocate an ethos of individualism, reason, and self-interest, no one formulated it as accessibly or persuasively as she did--or as passionately.