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他特招人讨厌。He's a nuisance.

那只狗是经常惹人讨厌的东西。That dog is perpetual nuisance.

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这条狗真是讨厌鬼。The dog is a terrible nuisance.

不要让你成为令人讨厌的人。Don't make a nuisance of your-self.

那些男孩子越来越惹人讨厌了。Those boys are becoming a nuisance.

但这些效应也能成为令人痛恨的麻烦事。They can also be a damnable nuisance.

电视里的商业广告真是讨厌。Commercials on TV are really a nuisance.

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蚊子真烦人,弄得我睡不了觉!Mosquitoes are nuisance and I can't sleep!

我可以命名它们为。But that's starting to get to be a nuisance.

安静!不要让你成为令人讨厌的人。Be quiet! Don't make a nuisance of your-self.

你的生活也只能是飞尘勿扰吧。Your life can only be a nuisance dust Do Bar.

梅尔维尔似乎发现伊希梅尔是个讨厌的人。It is as though Melville finds Ishmael a nuisance.

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拳击圈里的人把我当成麻烦。The boxing establishment treats me like a nuisance.

把汽车停在人行道上的人很讨人嫌。People who park on the pavement are a public nuisance.

六个月,每天都要吃药那更是厌恶至极。Taking it every day for six months is a real nuisance.

然而,它也可以成为滋扰,如果我们使用不当。However, it can also become a nuisance if we use it improperly.

虽然很管用,但胶土对于牲畜是一种有害的东西。Although useful, the puddles were a toxic nuisance to livestock.

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南太平洋磁异常区一直以十足的讨厌鬼著称。The South Atlantic Anomaly is well known as a thorough nuisance.

因为烧冥纸产生的烟雾使许多人不堪其忧。But some people find smoke from burning incense paper a nuisance.

他也认为“大部分的非吸烟人士都很讨厌二手烟。He also contends that "most nonsmokers find SHS to be a nuisance.