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我喜欢性格活泼的女生,因为这样的女孩总是笑脸迎人。I like a bubbly girl because she always laughs.

我喜欢活泼有活力的女生,因为她总是笑脸迎人。e.g I like a bubbly girl because she always laughs.

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与其他的服务生相比,她有着灿烂的笑容,并充满活力。She was bubbly and full of energy compared to the other waitresses.

他是什么类型的?萎蔫的花朵?明亮的圆嘟嘟的?还是阴燃诱惑的女人?What's his type? Wilting flower? Bright and bubbly? Or smoldering temptress?

将鸡蛋打入大碗,加入牛奶和黄油,搅拌,直至混合物上层起泡。Add the milk and butter. Beat with the whisk until the mixture is bubbly on top.

但国际货币基金组织指出,各大主要城市的房价依然存在泡沫.But the IMF points out that property prices in major cities still look "bubbly".

这样的幽默对一个热情活力四射的金发女郎来说,意思可能有点晦涩,但是我知道你明白我的意思的。The humor here may be a bit dark for a bubbly blond but I think you get my drift.

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她的状态更新总是以大写的字母和感叹号出现。Her status updates were bubbly shrieks of uppercase letters and exclamation points.

把灯关了,点上几根蜡烛,给自己倒一杯小酒。Turn down the lights, fire up a few candles and pour yourself a glass of fine bubbly.

因此,如果你希望香槟喝起来特别好的话,一定要保持冷藏,同时倒酒的时候要像倒百威啤酒一样。So if you want your champagne très bon, keep it cold. And pour that bubbly like it's Bud.

非线性分析结果表明,泡状流失稳时是一个混沌动力系统。The non-linear analysis indicates that the instability of bubbly flow is a chaotic process.

亨利是一个非常活泼好动的人,他将被我们记住,我祈求他的家人和朋友能从失落中走出来。Henry Lee was a very bubbly person. He will be missed. My prayers go out to his family &friends.

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“流动性”,这剂引发投机性泡沫的万应灵药,犹如喷泉之水,从各国的央行汩汩流出。“Liquidity, ” that bubbly speculative elixir, gurgled from the founts of the world’s central banks.

如果你想找一款物美价廉的气泡酒,那么选择西班牙的卡瓦酒应该没错。If you are looking for an affordable bubbly for a group, it's hard to go wrong with Cava from Spain.

如果你想找一款物美价廉的气泡酒,那么选择西班牙的卡瓦酒应该没错。If you are looking for an affordable bubbly for a group, it's hard to go wrong with Cava from Spain.

影片看似粗疏,甚至外行的时候,但其态度是如此奔放,它的难以抗拒。The movie looks slipshod and even amateurish at times, yet its attitude is so bubbly it's hard to resist.

阐述了一种新型气液混合冷却装置的组成、工作过程及其关键部件的设计计算。The design of the components, procedure and key parts of a late-model bubbly oil cooling device was given.

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她性格活泼开朗,平时和朋友上网聊天时她总是会敲击出一连串的“哈哈”。She is a bubbly character who will always respond with a long string of “ha-ha” in online chats with friends.

蜂蜜和桂花可以一起泡开水吗?有什么好的作用没?Are honey and sweet -scented osmanthus OK one bubbly boiled water? The function with good what is done not have?

DNET是一种边界清楚、楔形囊泡状皮质内肿块,见于年轻患者,多伴有长期的癫痫。DNET is a well-demarcated, wedge based "bubbly" intracortical mass in young patients with longstanding seizures.