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婴儿正在生牙。The baby is teething.

“万事开头难嘛,”NTC委员说道。Teething problems, say NTC members.

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因为长牙不应该是折磨宝宝的酷刑。Teething shouldn't be an excruciating ordeal for a baby.

但是这个新方案并非没有初始的问题。But the new scheme has not been without teething problems.

所有新技术在刚刚出现时都会有一些问题。Like every new technology, there will be teething problems.

春黄菊长期以来一直用作减轻婴儿出牙时的不适的药物。Camomile has long been used as a remedy for teething babies.

在它初期存在的一些问题,现在都已经得到了解决。It's had a feel teething problems, but those have now been sorted.

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但经济设计师王先生说道这些仅仅是初期问题。But Wang, the economic planner, says these are just teething problems.

在你宝宝出牙的时候,哪些问题让你感到非常棘手?What are some of the answers to your most burning questions about teething?

交谈的内容已经从尿布、口水转移到长牙、嘴里蹦出第一个词这些事情上来。The conversation has shifted from diapers and drool to teething and first words.

你看他嘴里门牙位置要长牙了,长牙也会引起的。You can see the location of his mouth incisor teeth longer, and will be caused by teething.

其他代替方法如核发电和碳吸收器必定会遇到很多棘手问题。All alternatives such as nuclear and carbon capture are bound to have teething problems too.

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本品出牙牙胶综合了各种形状和质地的表面,便于宝宝探索和舒缓肿痛的牙龈。The Teething Gummy Guppy offers baby multiple teething surfaces to explore and soothe sore gums.

大部分时间是因为他们出牙时想通过咬来减轻牙龈的不舒服。Many times they will bite because they want to relieve the pressure in their gums while teething.

磨牙环连在毛绒的诺亚方舟上,方舟上共有三个毛绒小动物。The teething ring is attached to a plush Noah's Ark and there are three plush animals in the Ark.

用滴洋甘菊精油滴在包有冰块的毛巾上可以减轻小孩出牙的疼痛。Use 1 drop of Chamomile oil on a washcloth wrapped ice cube to relieve teething pain in children.

在扶手的边缘,我能看见木头上有凹痕,那是小孩子们用牙咬的。On the edges of its arms, I can see indentations in the wood where little tykes did their teething.

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也有一些有机暂时性的饼干和手指的食物如甜玉米戒指和胡萝卜。There are also organic teething biscuits and finger food such as sweetcorn rings and carrot sticks.

第一批抵达新几内亚的B-25轰炸机数量太少因而对战事无足轻重。The first B-25s to arrive in New Guinea were almost too few to matter and they had teething problems.

如果在宝宝周岁的时候还没有任何出牙的征兆,那你就要带宝宝去看牙医了。If your child shows no sign of teething by their girst birthday you should see your doctor or dentist.