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他们团结起来孤立侵略国。They united to quarantine the aggressor nation.

侵略军占领了该国的首都。aggressor troops held the capital of the country.

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如果某人触犯了自然法,他就是侵略者。If someone violates the law of nature, he is an aggressor.

这个野心家想要改变「荣美之地」以色列。This aggressor wanted to change "the Beautiful Land" of Israel.

中国,一个爱好和平的民族,却被你们丑化为侵略者?China, a peace-loving people, but you have to vilify the aggressor?

我们从大溪地“攻击号”的潜水小筏跳进水里。We dropped down into the water from the Tahiti Aggressor dive skiff.

他们要求侵略军立即撤出。They demanded that the aggressor troops should be withdrawn immediately.

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他们要求把侵略军从这个国家撤出来。They demanded that all the aggressor troops be pulled out from the country.

不过萨尼亚似乎是在比赛90分钟的那次冲突的主要责任人。Sagna appeared to be the main aggressor after the duo clashed on 90 minutes.

恶意的攻击者可以通过这个账户任意地控制你的计算机。Baleful aggressor can pass this account to control your computer arbitrarily.

他们要求所有侵略军都应撤出他们的国家。They demanded that all the aggressor troops be pulled out from their country.

连结国安了解对侵略国采取了制裁措施。The United Ns Security Council tooksanctionscontrary to the aggressor country.

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联合国安理会对侵略国采取了制裁措施。The United Nations Security Council took sanctions against the aggressor country.

但沃顿表示,研究小组“不确定具体攻击者是谁”。But Warton expresses, study a group " who is not affirmatory and specific aggressor ".

抗议者要求对侵略国采取经济报复。The protestors called for economic reprisals to be taken against the aggressor states.

我们请他做财务主任,一个经费不足的竞选班子需要他这个进取心强的财务主任。We made him finance director, a job in which an underfunded campaign needs an aggressor.

尼赫鲁一直想与中国建立友好关系。他怎么会成为挑衅者?Nehru all along wanted friendly relationship with China. How come Nehru be the aggressor?

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180枚核弹头能够创造足够大的破坏力和大混乱以阻止核侵略吗?Can 180 nuclear warheads create enough mass destruction and chaos to deter a nuclear aggressor?

俄塔社报道,普京表示,俄罗斯如今“比任何潜在的侵略者都强大”。Russia was now "stronger than any potential aggressor", according to Russia's Tass news agency.

接著乐师们历史性地在北韩首次演奏了美国国歌“星条旗永不落”。North Korean government propaganda has always portrayed the United States as a hostile aggressor.