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视觉陈列中色彩的运用Using Color in Visual Merchandising

视觉陈列中色彩的运用Tips on Effective Visual Merchandising

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为什么不试试推销呢?Why not try your hand at merchandising?

销售业企业也销售产品给客户。Merchandising business also sell products to customers.

之后又成功地推出了两篇续集,带来了巨大的商机。It has spawned two successful sequels and a vast array of merchandising.

本期视觉“店内视觉营销之一”将为您指导店内陈列的技巧。One Store Visual Merchandising will guide your store display techniques.

本文第四部分对知名形象商品化权主体进行了研究。The Part Four of the thesis studies the subjects of Merchandising Right.

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本文在讨论中仅就其中的一个方面——角色商品化权做一探讨。This essay discusses one of these aspects- character merchandising right.

假如有什么是会让他们担心的话,那就是福特汽车在营销战上的最新攻势。What they fear, if anything, is a new force evident in Ford merchandising.

确保加油站便利店非油品产品的供应。Ensure non-fuel business merchandising in convenient store of service station.

您可以使用这个技巧加强您市场及销售活动。You can use this skill to enhance your marketing and merchandising activities.

万圣节能够带来巨大的商机,影响力仅次于圣诞节。The merchandising for the holiday is enormous second only to that of Christmas.

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大量陈列某商品,并以极具竞争力的价格来取得最大效果。Bulk merchandising of products to achieve maximum impact at a competitive price.

第二部分论述了商品化权之现有民法保护制度述评。The second part is mainly the comment of the present law on merchandising right.

您可以将在数据挖掘中发现的每条规则表示成商品销售关联。You can express each rule found in the data mining as a merchandising association.

不管是否为神的“工人”,今天这些事工的第一个“果子”就是做买卖。"Workmen" or not, one of the first-fruits of our ministers today is merchandising.

碧咸的无数亚洲球迷可为皇马带来数以百万计美元的商品收入。Beckham's legions of Asian fans could bring Real millions in merchandising revenue.

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课程门券现已于各购货中心公开发售及换购。Programme tickets are available for sale or redemption at all Merchandising Centres.

我在布朗克斯及其附近的怀特普莱恩斯做销售。I work in the one in White Plains in the Bronx, near the Bronx, and I do merchandising.

在这个意义上说,采购员把产品和客户联在一起。Examples of merchandising businesses and some of the products they sell are shown below.