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拆卸填料函。Dismantle the stuffing box.

拆下冷冻机前面板。Dismantle the front panel of the chiller.

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我们要拆螺旋桨将军帽。We are going to dismantle the propeller cone.

把深海油井拆了,把零部件都堆成一堆。Dismantle the oil rigs and stack them in a pile.

是如何购买、使用以及拆卸AK-47。How to purchase, operate and dismantle an AK-47.

到第三个月就实行强制拆机。The third month practice to dismantle the machine compulsory.

如果你拆掉了我的枪,那就没入会听我的了。If you dismantle me of my gun then no one will listen anymore.

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两个人见招拆招,好不热闹。Two people see recruit to dismantle to recruit, no quite noisy.

当出现了临产先兆或计划施行剖宫产时再拆除缝线。When the aura of birth or plan to dismantle suture cesarean section.

组装,架设和拆除棚架,索具和起重设备。Assemble, erect and dismantle scaffolds, rigging and hoisting equipment.

卡扎菲还宣称他将拆除所有的大规模杀伤性武器。Gaddafi also declared he would dismantle all weapons of mass destruction.

奥巴马总统再次誓言要击败、粉碎和摧毁基地组织。The president vowed once again to defeat, dismantle and destroy al-Qaida.

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而拆搭的好坏与和出的或许性联络甚大。And dismantle the stand or fall of a contact and the perhaps sex is great.

这里两只切割树叶的蚂蚁去除树叶覆盖物在秘鲁的Manu国家的森林。Here, two leafcutter ants dismantle a leaf in Peru's Man� National Forest.

如果泵被洪水淹过,请拆除泵壳的托架,并将轴承拆下。If the pump has been flooded , dismantle the bracket and remove the bearings.

通过暂停,我们开始消除长久以来逃避和疏远的旧模式。By pausing, we begin to dismantle lifelong patterns of avoiding or distancing.

没有充分的理由,脚手架拆除过程中不可换人。Don't replace scaffolder during dismantle the scaffolding without justly reason.

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现在很多的自行车都是组合式的,不用时可以拆卸下来。Nowadays, many bikes are the combination type that you can dismantle when not in use.

非本公司持约维修人员拆动造成损坏的。The damage caused by the dismantle movement of a non-our-company authorized maintainer.

在其它曾经宠坏了的行业里,政府也开始打破垄断。In other once- coddled industries, too, governments are starting to dismantle monopolies.