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他们毫发无伤的脱离了。They escaped unharmed.

本来我应该没事,但是我的刀没以前快。This is me. I should've been unharmed.

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现在,小小的卓尔精灵好像毫发无伤。Yet the little drow appeared to be unharmed.

但动物们好像都逃过了一劫。Instead, the animals seemed to escape unharmed.

放弃土地吧,你们可以带着你们的财产,安然无恙的离开。Give up the land, and you can go unharmed with your goods.

人若遇见仇敌、岂肯放他平安无事的去呢。When a man finds his enemy, does he let him get away unharmed?

显然他从失事残骸中逃了,并奇迹般地毫发无伤。He apparently walked away from the wrecks, miraculously unharmed.

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本来我应该没事,但是我的刀没以前快。I should've been unharmed. But I've become slower with my sword lately.

奥切斯比拉1岁大的儿子克诺尔也在屋里,但没有受到伤害。Ochse ine 's 1-year-old son, Co or, also was in the house but was unharmed.

奥切斯比拉1岁大的儿子克诺尔也在屋里,但没有受到伤害。Ochsenbine's 1-year-old son, Connor, also was in the house but was unharmed.

佩埃特和他的同伙接着逃离了现场,驾驶员则被安全释放。Payet and his accomplices then fled the scene and the pilot was released unharmed.

每次都是注入金属物的部分被烧焦,而其余的部分安然无恙。Each time, the injected part of the meat would burn. The rest was uncooked, unharmed.

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但爱茉莉先生指出,在盗窃案件的80%,工程安然无恙。But Mr. Amore notes that in eighty percent of theft cases, the works are found unharmed.

前原佳彦改口说搜查出来的电台是收音机,傅家人躲过一劫。Maehara Kahiko said the search out of the radio is the radio, Fu family escaped unharmed.

我们一开始对此深表不安,但是所有事情都很顺利而且她也没有受伤。We were apprehensive about this at first, but everything went fine and she came out unharmed.

总理古斯芒同样也遭到叛军袭击,但成功脱险。Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao was also targeted by renegades on the same, but escaped unharmed.

树叶乱作一团,但是乌鸦还是安然无恙地飞了起来,它的翅膀很大。There was an explosion of leaves, but the crow soared up unharmed. Its wings were huge, and they

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朝圣者参观什叶派的圣地卡迪米亚清真寺,这是近年战乱中保存相对完好的建筑。Pilgrims visit Al Kazimiyah Shrine, a Shiite holy site relatively unharmed by the years of violence.

这两个入侵者虽然毫发无伤地离开,但是伐木人再也不敢前往那片森林了。The two intruders were left unharmed but loggers never dared venture back to that part of the forest.

在它最后也是唯一一次在白天亮相的场景里,这只怪兽看上去毫发未伤,依旧生猛。In his final and only appearance in daylight, the monster looks completely unharmed and as good as new.