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你不能将二者结合You can't combine them.

我们把检索与机译结合。We combine retrieval with MT.

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把生菜都放在沙拉碗里。Combine raw ingredients in bowl.

我们应该寓工作于娱乐中。We should combine work with pleasure.

我们将合并这三个部门。We shall combine the three departments.

混合阿冰块,充分摇合,滤入冰过的玻璃杯。Combine with ice, shake well and strain.

这是一台拖拉机,那是一台联合收割机。This is a tractor and that is a combine.

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你必须理论联系实际。You should combine theory with practice.

因此,把这三个文件组合成一个文件。So combine all three files into one file.

混合四个冰块和220ml健怡可乐。Combine four cubes and 8 oz. of Diet Coke.

氢与氧化合形成水。Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.

花冠裂片5枚,部分合生。Sepal 5, corolla lobes 5, partial combine.

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冰与火能合而为一吗?The Fire And The Ice Can Combine Into One ?

新生骨质同骨膜结合紧密。Thenew–bone combine with periosteum closely.

我们尽量结合苗条与力量。We try to combine slenderness with strength.

把这些现象汇总一下看看我们得到了什么。What have we got if we combine these facets.

结合地面芝麻糊水。Combine ground sesame seeds paste with water.

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将命令与控制操作符组合使用。Combine your commands with control operators.

理想的是,你想要尽量综合各自的优点。Ideally, you want to combine the best of each.

总之,宇宙即盘古,盘古即宇宙。In all, the universe and Pangu combine in one.