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他是在12点15分登记入住的。He checked in at 12.15.

我把行李寄存在存包处了。I've checked my bag in.

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他查出来了。He had checked them out.

我真应该检查一下。I should have checked it.

然后我查看了发件箱。Next I checked my Outbox.

他说的每件事都有据可查。Everything he said checked out.

这是tot的值,我们刚才已经演算过了。There's tot, we've checked that.

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我们住进了圆山大饭店。We checked into the Grand Hotel.

选中的框表示成员。A checked box denotes membership.

我跑过去检查他的脉搏。I ran over and checked his pulse.

她把所有的行李都托运了。She has checked all her luggages.

他们十分钟前就结账走了。They checked out ten minutes ago.

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风向的转变阻止了火势的蔓延。A change of wind checked the fire.

他进来时将大衣寄存起来。He checked his coat as he came in.

他到当地的一家医院求诊。He checked into his local ho ital.

那匹马在跳跃之前先停了一下。The horse checked before he jumped.

实习生顺利地通过了考核。The trainees checked out all right.

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您喜欢我的格子花新窗帘布吗?。Do you like my new checked curtains?

里面配了个红色系的格子衬衫。Paired with a checked shirt in side.

是的.会直达伦敦.Yes, it's checked through to London.