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反映左室收缩功能降低。The worse left ventricular contractive function appeared.

证明了引入的非线性变换满足压缩迭代映射理论。The non-linear transforms satisfy a theory of contractive iterated image transformations.

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最后在中新世时萎缩上隆,形成了现代的准噶尔盆地。Finally, after contractive uplift in Miocene, Present Junggar Basin was formed in the end.

分形图像编码十余年来在图像压缩领域引起了人们的极大兴趣。The fractal code of the image consists of the parameters of the contractive transformation.

腹腔大量积血与脾脏缩小提示实质器官破裂。Massive hemoperitoneum and contractive spleen on CT might be indicated rupture of solid organ.

轻盈,轻薄,无厚重感,收缩毛孔,有效遮盖肌肤瑕疵。Lightsome, frivolous, without massiness feeling, contractive pore, flaw of effective cover skin.

在外膜的表面有一层膜支架蛋白,其主要成分为收缩蛋白及肌动蛋白。The surface of outer film has egg white of bracket of a film, its bases is contractive albumen and actin.

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在具有向量值范数的实向量空间上,通过引入一个定义在向量格上的特殊映射来讨论压缩映射,并证明相应的不动点定理。The contractive mappings in the vector space, which is with vector norm are defined by a map on the vector lattice.

故在其刺激下可引起子宫肌肉收缩异常,导致子宫张力上升而产生疼痛。Reason can cause uterine muscle below its stimulation contractive and unusual, bring about uterine tension to rise and produce ache.

心材的体积收缩率、心边交界材的皱缩因子和皱缩深度变化最大。The greatest variation takes place in the volume contractive rate of the heartwood, collapse factor and collapse depth of the sapwood.

结论小剂量的大蒜素使心肌收缩加强,大剂量的大蒜素使心肌收缩减弱。Conclusion The little dosage's garlicin enhances myocardium contractive, but the large dosage's garlicin inhibits myocardium contractive.

本文首先在锥度量空间中引入了ψ序压缩算子这一概念,然后证明了几个ψ-序压缩算子的不动点存在性定理。In this paper, the ψ- ordered contractive operator is introduced and the existence of fixed points is established in a cone metric space.

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虫体机械收缩活动与肌细胞放电频率成正比的关系。There was a direct ratio relationship between mechanical contractive activity of the S. japonicum and discharge frequence of muscle cells.

在弱相容和不相容映射的隐压缩条件和积分型压缩条件下,给出一些新的隐压缩条件,并证明了一些新的不动点定理。In this paper, we point out that two common fixed point theorems of non-compatible mappings under strict contractive conditions given by R.

以国产海岛纤维长丝与涤纶高收缩丝交织纬编双罗纹织物为研究对象,探讨海岛丝织物的热定型工艺。The heat-setting techniques of interlock fabrics knitted with both islands-in-the-sea and highly- contractive polyester yarn are discussed.

此波不易产生适应,能提高肌肉组织的兴奋性,对横纹肌有良好的刺激收缩作用。This kind of wave may increase the excitability of muscular tissue and have a fine stimulative and contractive effect on the striated muscle.

内皮完整和去内皮的大鼠主动脉环悬挂于器官浴槽中,测定血管的张力和收缩速度的变化。Rings of rat aorta, with or without endothelium, were suspended in organ chambers for the measurement of contractive force and contractive speed.

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收缩的外需市场,并没有因为政府的海量注资而显露出在短期内恢复的迹象。Contractive outside need the market, did not note because of governmental magnanimity endowment and show piece in short-term inside restored evidence.

本文在紧度量空间中,讨论了压缩型映象的不动点问题,推广和改进了某些已知结果。The paper is to discuss the fixed point theorems for contractive type mappings in compact matric spaces, the results improve and extend the results of.

方法以大鼠回肠收缩频率、幅度及肠平滑肌张力为指标,采用BL-420E生物机能实验系统,观察棕榈花蕾提取液对肠平滑肌的作用。Methods The contractive amplitude, frequency, and mobility of ileac smooth muscle in rats caused by Palm Bud were recorded by BL-420E experimental system.