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他们的计划在许多方面全部是可取的。Their plan is recommendable in many ways.

是一本非常好的HSK语法辅导书。It is a recommendable HSK grammar reference and exercise book.

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实际是用美好的英文写的,所以这本书可以向大众推介。Written as it is in good english , this book is recommendable to all.

有的译文似值得推荐但又缺乏理论的支持。Some versions seem to be recommendable but lack of sufficient theoretical support.

是一种值得推荐的抗震联肢墙小跨高比洞口连梁的配筋形式。Therefore, the new detailing of reinforcement concerning coupling beams is recommendable.

结论内固定法治疗股骨粗隆及周围严重粉碎性骨折的方法值得推荐。Conclusion It is recommendable to use internal fixation to treat troch and serious thrypsis.

在读书期间和参加工作后进行游历和有不同的工作经历是有意义的。It's quite recommendable and useful to travel and work somewhere during and after your study.

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采用光波炉处理水样中的COD,快速、节能、准确度高,是值得推广的测定COD方法。Mensurating COD by microwave oven is a recommendable method for its fast, economical and exact.

本方法为方便地进入MICROSTATION核心提供了一条途径,也可供其它CAD软件借鉴。The method is recommendable to other CAD softwares and provides an easy way to the one Of MICROSTATION.

手术入路安全,并发症少,值得在肘关节镜手术中推广使用。The portals are safe, leading to low incidence of postoperative complications. It is recommendable in clinic.

该系列适合对陈年普洱有一定了解的品茗爱好者及高档商务使用。This series I recommendable for business elites and those tea lovers with some understanding of old age Puer tea.

特别是,如果你喜欢北欧电影这是一个必须看到,但也对其他所有人这部电影是非常可取的。Especially if you like Scandinavian movies this is a must see but also to everyone else this movie is highly recommendable.

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润扬大桥土样试验的结果证明了此法的可行性。Results of tests for soil samples taking from Runyang great bridge demonstrated that the application of the method is recommendable.

因此,寻求医生的意见是非常可取的,因为医生可以开无镇静作用的抗组胺药。So, it is very recommendable to seek a medical advice since the doctor can prescribe the antihistamines without the sedating effect.

只有那些既有利于社会历史进步和人类主体的利益,同时又对个人或社会集团有意义的价值标准才是合理的、可取的。Only the value standard that profits to social development and human's benefit in dividual and social group is reasonable and recommendable.

最后就生产线上有效地应用蜗杆珩齿工艺问题,提出了建设性意见。The article also makes the recommendable suggestions for usefully putting the honing process with the worm type hone into the production line.

通过对几种染色机的比较,认为真丝针织绸的染色设嵛选用Q113绳状染色机为宜。The Rope Dyeing Machine Q113 is recommendable in dyeing and finishing for silk knitted fabrics through comparison of several dyeing equipments.

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这项研究说明如果你要进行慢跑或其它类型的激烈运动,最好还是戴上运动胸罩。The lesson to take home from this study is that if you engage in jogging or some other type of very active sport, sports bras are recommendable.

结论简易式睾丸穿刺取精用于阻塞性无精子症的诊治是一种值得推广的方法。It is a recommendable method that simple testicular needle aspiration in the men diagnosis and treatment of the men with obstructive azoospermia.

结论带神经双侧胸脐皮瓣修复全手皮肤撕脱伤是一种较好的方法,可在各级医院推广使用。Conclusion Bilateral chest navel flaps with nerves are recommendable to all kinds of hospitals for repairing the avulsion injury of total hand skin.