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让我们从一个未签名插件开始。Let's begin with an unsigned plug-in.

我接到一封注明1972年5月5日但没属名的信。I received an unsigned letter dated form May 5th, 1972.

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这是由于未签名的服务无法自动启动。This is due to unsigned services being unable to autostart.

对一个表达式中的位执行无符号右移。Performs an unsigned right shift of the bits in an expression.

所有这些整数类型都有相应的无符号数类型。All these integer types also have corresponding unsigned types.

与未签名插件相比,用户更倾向于信任带签名的插件。Users tend to trust a signed plug-in more than an unsigned plug-in.

年和月组件的值可以是一个无符号整数。The value of the year and month components allow an unsigned integer.

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其它争论集中在是使用整数还是无符号整数。Another discussion focuses on the use of integer and unsigned integer.

二进制源数据必须是一维的无符号字符数组。Binary source data must be a single-dimensioned array of unsigned char.

选票不记名,由选民在隔离的投票站填写。Voting ballots are unsigned and marked by the voters in private booths.

我想从某种意义上讲,我就是那位高中老师手中未来得及署名的作品。I suppose that in some way I am the unsigned works of the high school teacher.

确保使用无符号整数来防止符号扩展的问题。Ensure that an unsigned int is used where appropriate to prevent sign extension.

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表3.4演示把一个很大的数赋给一个无符号整数。Listing 3.4. A demonstration of putting too large a value in an unsigned integer.

未签名的程序集必须作为专用程序集安装在用户的计算机上。Unsigned assemblies must be installed on the user's machine as private assemblies.

仅在你需要模算术或需要很大很大的数字时,才使用无符号类型。Use unsigned types only when you need modulo arithmetic or very very large numbers.

您可以导出您必须手动签署的应用程序的未签署版本。You can export an unsigned version of your application that you must manually sign.

贝纳雍已经同意了西汉姆的5年合同,但却没有签署。Benayoun had agreed a new five-year deal with the London club, but it remains unsigned.

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任何超越的能力,安装未签名的程序是奖金就砍死三星。Anything beyond the ability to install unsigned programs is a bonus on a hacked Samsung.

如果您需要更多功能,请将数据作为一个无符号字符对象流进行读取,然后进行匹配。If you need more, read the data in as a stream of unsigned char objects and do the math.

我想在很大程度上,我正是那位中学老师未经签名的手稿。I suppose that to a large extent I am the unsigned manuscript of the high school teacher.