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六尺。Six feet.

六张卡?Six cards?

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将六个鸡蛋分开。Separate six eggs.

6号登机门在哪儿?Where is gate six?

我有六支铅笔。I have six pencils.

他身高六尺。He is six feet tall.

这里就是我的顶级六条。Here are my top six.

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我有六个兄弟。I have six brothers.

周围是六呎厚的雪。In six feet of snow.

这洞有六尺深。It is six feet deep.

年薪六千美元!Six thousand a year!

五加六等于几?What's five and six?

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立方体有六面。A cube has six sides.

六八班,加油!Class six eight, gas!

时钟刚刚敲过六点钟。It has just gone six.

晚餐六点钟就行了。Supper is redy t six.

钟敲六响。The clock struck six.

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那里有六朵云。There are six clouds.

但我就算他是六周。But I count six weeks.

蜜蜂有六只脚吗?Do bees have six feet?