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然而,我不甘心。However, I am unreconciled.

而失败者是不会甘心的。And the loser is unreconciled.

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或者说,不甘失败。Or, you're unreconciled to your failure.

我想放弃,但还是不甘心。I want to give up, still remains unreconciled.

一旦他留在你身边,你会开始不甘心。Once he stays with you, you will be unreconciled.

没好的关系,生命将会引发许多问题。An unreconciled relationship will cause many problems in life.

帮助解决注销速度慢和配置文件不协调问题的服务。A service to help with slow log off and unreconciled profile problems.

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那是一种不甘心的盘旋,可惜被麻木的身体束缚住了。That's a kind of unreconciled struggle, but was sealed in his dying body.

侯赛因先生及其逊尼派中不甘心的支持者们怒气爆发。Hussein and his unreconciled supporters among Iraq's Sunni minority, there was an explosion of anger.

欧洲虽然在这方面没有这样大的压力,但在互联网方面一直落后于美国,这是欧洲所不甘心的。Though there is no so much huge pres sure for Europe, it is lagging behind USA, which is what make it unreconciled.

因此,一旦用来存储您的账户资金的银行失职而造成账户内任何现金的损失,您需要在一定程度上按比例承担一部分损失。Hence in the event of a default by the bank causes any unreconciled shortfall in the money held in the pooled account, then you may share proportionately in that shortfall.

他们人还在,心不死,必然要象列宁所说的那样,以十倍的疯狂,来企图恢复他们失去的天堂。The surviving members of these classes who are unreconciled will inevitably, as Lenin put it, throw themselves with a tenfold furious passion into the battle for the recovery of their lost paradise.

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况且看到如此多的中老年人在健身的名以下深受折磨,谁还会怀疑我们对死亡的恐惧,远远超出了以往任何一代呢?And who can doubt, watching so many middle-aged and older persons torturing themselves in the name of fitness, that we are unreconciled to death, more so perhaps than any generation in modern memory?