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所以,为什么会有区别呢?So why the difference?

有何不同?What is the difference?

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这有什么区别吗?Is there any difference?

他们真的是与众不同。It was a big difference.

那是有大的区别。That's a big difference.

这个差值是多少?What is this difference?

并无差异。No difference whatsoever.

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但是还有一些区别。But there is a difference.

应该没有不同。Should make no difference.

因此不同点是什么呢?So what is the difference?

这俩有一个巨大区别。There's a huge difference.

然而还是有一些差异。Yet there is a difference.

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有一个老实人就可以大变样。You can make a difference.

这两者是有区别的。And here is the difference.

不外有了他就不同了。But he makes the difference.

计算时间差。Compute the time difference.

不同的是,我们得到它。The difference is we get it.

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这两款的区别是什么?What is the difference betw.

让这成为一个不同的一年。Make it a year of difference.

我的不同真能成为一个优点吗?Can my difference be an asset?