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换生灵失败的故事也有不少,他们的身份被所谓的家人揭露。Many tales exist of failed changelings who are uncovered by their presumptive families.

推定的被害人承诺是特殊情况下的正当化事由。Presumptive victim's commitment is a cause of justification under special circumstance.

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第二部分主要探讨了推定的承诺的正当化根据。The second part mainly discusses the basis of justifiability of the presumptive consent.

马阿林在10月25日初步诊断为疟疾住院。Maalin was admitted to the hospital on October 25 with a presumptive diagnosis of malaria.

在本周二四个州的初选之前,他终将获得提名实际上已经勿庸置疑。Going into Tuesday's four contests his position as the presumptive nominee was indisputable.

胰腺炎可以根据病史和体格检查作出初步诊断。A presumptive diagnosis of pancreatitis can be made based on a history and physical examination.

两党总统候选人奥巴马和麦凯恩选择竞选搭档的时间已所剩不多。Time was running out for both presumptive presidential candidates, Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain.

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笃定成为共和党总统提名人的麦凯恩参议员在芝加哥就美国在全球经济中的作用发表讲话。Senator McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, was in Chicago to speak about the U.S. role in the global economy.

今天奥巴马本该与参议员少数党领导人米奇•麦康诺和可能上任为众议院议长的约翰.博纳会面。Obama was supposed to meet with the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and presumptive House Speaker John Boehner today.

依现行法,前者为过错推定责任,后者为一般过错责任。According to laws in operation, the former is liability for presumptive wrongs, and the latter is general liability for wrongs.

明尼苏达州的公交车司机瓦比纳·山姆·布鲁听到贝拉克·奥巴马成为民主党总统候选人之一时说。Kwabena Sam-Brew, a bus driver living in Minnesota, on news that Barack Obama is the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

虽然还没有正式承认失败,不过,克林顿已经表示,她知道奥巴马已经是预料中的总统提名人。Short of a formal concession, however, Clinton has signaled that she is aware of Obama's status as presumptive presidential nominee.

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当药物作用解除、菌丝恢复生长时,可以看到钙调素先于新的生长点出现之前在相应的部位出现聚集。With the recovery of hyphal growth, Calmodulin accumulates at the presumptive site of tip formation before new growing tip emergence.

监护人对学生致人损害承担无过错责任,学校应承担过错责任或过错推定责任。The guardian bears no-fault liability for the damage, while school shall undertake the liability for wrongs or for presumptive wrongs.

性伴侣和性工作者的假定流行病治疗可对中断传播和降低流行率的措施进行补充。Presumptive epidemiologic treatment of sex partners and sex workers complement efforts to interrupt transmission and reduce prevalence.

奥巴马出生在美国夏威夷,父亲是一位来自肯尼亚的留学生,母亲是美国堪萨斯州的白人。Barack Hussein Obama II is the junior United States Senator from Illinois and presumptive President-elect of the United States of America.

就在民主党在窝里斗的你死我活的时候,共和党既定候选人,老麦却在美国悠哉游哉为自己歌功颂德。While the Democrats pummel each other John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, swans around the country burnishing his reputation.

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假定的肠道杆菌在非选择性培养基上再次培养,并使用适当的生化实验验证。Presumptive Enterobacteriaceae colonies are further subcultured on non-selective medium, and confirmed using appropriate biochemical tests.

当她相信自己死期将至,罗斯林打算如何给假定继任者副总统波尔塔留下一条消息?When she believes that her death is imminent, how does Roslin plan to leave behind a message for her presumptive successor, Vice President Baltar?

盖洛普最新调查显示,共和党的可能总统候选人麦凯恩参议员正从民主党的内斗中获利。In addition, a new Gallup poll suggests the presumptive Republican nominee, Senator John McCain, is reaping benefits from the Democrat's infighting.