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下一步要做的是照x光.The next step is a mammogram.

我会安排你下午就去照x光.Let's schedule a mammogram for this afternoon.

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图中展示了这四个密度等级。The four grades of density are shown in these mammogram images.

但是没有任何一项影像学检查是万无一失的,传统的乳腺X线片有时会漏掉一些病灶。But no screening test is perfect, and the x-ray images of the traditional mammogram miss some cancers.

手术后,医生告诉我说他发现了两个在造影中没有查出的二期肿瘤。After the operation, the surgeon said he'd found two stage-two tumours that hadn't shown up on the mammogram.

它融图象数据库管理功能和计算机辅助诊断方法为一体,具有广阔的应用前景。A completed computer-aided mamniogram management and diagnosis system has been built and applied successfully in mammogram research.

乳腺X线显示伴微钙化灶的可疑病变,可能为癌或纤维囊性病变。This mammogram demonstrates a suspicious area with microcalcifications that could be a carcinoma or just an area of fibrocystic changes.

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介绍了计算机在乳腺癌诊断中的作用,综述了小波近年来在乳腺癌诊断中各个方面的应用。This paper explained the function of computer in mammogram analysis. It summarized wavelet application in each phase on mammogram analysis.

在乳腺图像预处理方面,作者主要介绍乳腺轮廓提取算法和边缘灰度补偿算法。Breast boundary extracting algorithm and peripheral breast gray value correctingalgorithm were proposed in the mammogram preprocessing step.

对计算机乳腺摄影影像处理参数修改前后的乳腺照片进行对比分析,确定最佳的乳腺影像处理参数。To determine the best image processing parameters, 300 mammogram were evaluated both before and after modification of image processing parameters.

乳腺癌死亡率下降的另一个原因是延迟诊断,很多妇女并不每年都进行X射线或透视检查。Another reason for the decline in breast cancer deaths, however, is delayed diagnosis due to the fact that many women are not getting their yearly X-ray or mammogram.

给照相时发现、体检又未曾查出的病灶作活检时,可在放射线指导下,插入两个针头或导线进行定位。For biopsy of a lesion seen on a mammogram but not detectable during physical examination, 2 needles or wires can be inserted via radiologic guidance to localize the lesion.

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仅目前而言,在癌症协会发表的有关乳腺病的信息中,并没有强调这些风险,只是说,乳腺癌筛查是“女性保护自身健康的最好方法之一。”For now, those risks are not emphasized in the cancer society’s mammogram message which states that a mammogram is “one of the best things a woman can do to protect her health.”