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普克缇是拉贾斯坦邦地区一个牧羊人的女儿,对她来说头上的屋顶都是新玩意。Aroof overhead is new for Punkti, a shepherd's daughter in Rajasthan.

DATALAYER是北印度的第一层至第四数据中心设在拉贾斯坦邦。DATALAYER is North INDIA's first TIER-IV datacenter located in rajasthan.

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在拉贾斯坦邦政府宣布日为哀悼日,公共交通交汇处机构说。The Rajasthan government announced a day of mourning, the PTI agency said.

一个明亮的载着面纱的女人,参观拉贾斯坦邦比卡内尔卡的尔尼马塔寺庙。A brightly veiled woman visits the Karni Mata temple in Bikaner, Rajasthan.

国大党可望在诸如喀拉拉、拉贾斯坦和旁遮普等邦中有好的表现。Congress will hope to make good in, for example, Kerala, Rajasthan and Punjab.

拉贾斯坦邦历来是印度骆驼数量最多的地区。Rajasthan has traditionally been the area of the country with the most camels.

但是比以往少的骆驼被在拉贾斯坦邦Pushkar小镇最近的集会上交易。But fewer camels than in the past were traded at a recent camel fair in Pushkar, in Rajasthan.

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在拉贾斯坦邦的曼达瓦,身着艳丽莎丽服的女人们走在熙攘的婚队中。Women in bright saris crowd together as they walk in a bridal procession in Mandawa, Rajasthan.

拉贾斯坦邦焦特布尔市外游牧者正在表演杂技,鼓声吸引了一群人围观。Drumbeatsdraw a crowd as acrobats from the Nat nomadic group perform outsideJodhpur in Rajasthan.

优质的马拉尼耐久的马在拉贾斯坦邦在豪华住宅之间的旅行是有异国情调的旅行。The palace-to-palace ride in Rajasthan on fine Marwari endurance horses is considered an exotic tour.

上周在拉贾斯坦邦的领土内,自愿者开始用“击鼓”“吹哨子”等方式羞辱阻吓他们。In the state of Rajasthan last month volunteers beganshaming offenders by drumming and blowing whistles.

这项技术的发源地是印度拉贾斯坦邦的一个名叫提洛尼亚的小村庄。The front lines of that effort are seen in a tiny village in the Indian state of Rajasthan called Tiloniya.

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在拉贾斯坦邦魔术师帕里斯靠戴着装饰着纽扣、钱币和贝克的帽子吸引观众。Parasthe magician relies on a jester's hat of buttons, coins, and shells toattract an audience in Rajasthan.

新德里城市当局有28只叶猴,超过10只是从临近的拉贾斯坦市带过来的。Delhi civic authorities have 28 langurs and 10 more have been brought in from the neighbouring Rajasthan state.

春季通常是拉贾斯坦邦农村充满希望的时刻,然而与Kanya而言,今年春天如死一般寂静。Spring is normally a hopeful time in the Rajasthan countryside, but for Kanya this season was filled with dread.

被拯救儿童运动的活动分子解救以后,阿曼在他的家乡拉贾斯坦邦为免费教育斗争。After he was rescued by activists of Bachpan Bachao Andolan, Om campaigned for free education in his native Rajasthan.

他们搭巴士去了拉贾斯坦邦首府,Kailashi希望为她的慢性咳嗽和发烧找到治疗方法。They had taken a bus to the Rajasthan capital, where Kailashi hoped to find treatment for her chronic cough and fever.

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在某些邦,比如比哈尔邦、西孟加拉邦、拉贾斯坦邦和贾坎德邦,大多数19岁女孩已婚。In some states — Bihar, West Bengal, Rajasthan and Jharkhand — a majority of 19-year-old girls had already been married.

在印度拉贾斯坦邦西北部焦特布尔市的寺庙发生一起踩踏事件。事故已造成至少147人死亡。At least 147 people were killed in India in a stampede at a Hindu temple in Jodhpur in the north-western state of Rajasthan.

送上来自拉贾斯坦邦的汗湿拥抱给我莫克夏的兄弟姐妹们,在哥斯大黎加踏上了第二阶段的训练!Sending sweaty hugs from Rajasthan to my Moksha Brothers and Sisters who are embarking on level two training in Costa Ricaaaa!