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岂知你崇高的正弦魅力乎?Of thy supernal sinusoidal spell?

超凡的思想是不会与凡夫俗子共存的。The supernal ideology will not coexistence with the everyman.

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由于灵魂的存在,才有了觉醒和升华至上界的渴望。It is the soul that Awakens and yearns to ascend to the Supernal World.

为达到目标,为争取天主在基督耶稣内召我向上争夺的奖品。I press towards the mark, to the prize of the supernal vocation of God in Christ Jesus.

说一点天上的一元论,千万别谈地狱的二元论。Put in something about the Supernal Oneness. Don't say a syllable about the Infernal Twoness.

当我们把上帝视为造物者时,大部分的时候,我们都把他当作超级的工匠。When we think of God as the creator, we are thinking of him, most of the time, as a supernal artisan.

它具有功能强,效率高的优点,并且缩短了单片机系统开发所需时间。It has virtue of strong function , supernal efficiency and shortens development time of single-chip microcomputer system.

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只有信仰,诗歌,爱和浪漫,才能揭开这层帘子,为我们描绘后面最惊人的美丽,最崇高的乐趣。Only faith, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond.

然后我就写啊写,每个字都能完美地表达其意图,每一句话都绝妙地复制了我的思想。And I can write and write and write. Each word perfect for its purpose. Each sentence a supernal imitation of my thoughts.

井巷及采场瓦斯的超限存在可导致人员窒息、遇火爆炸等矿井重大安全事故。The supernal limit existence in mine roadways and faces may cause mine big safety accident such as person suffocation explosion etc.

对于高参数、大容量火力发电机组,TOC是控制机组水汽循环品质的重要指标。TOC is the important index to control quality of water & steam cycle for supernal parameters and high-capacity fossil fuel power plant.

高等美术教育为社会输送了大量高素质的美术人才,为社会的发展作出了很大的贡献。The higher fine arts education has carried lots of supernal quality-oriented art talents, and made greater contribution to the mankind.

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这时候,那只端坐在方尖碑顶端的熊猫,也许早已“高处不胜寒”了。Guess the panda, who never leaves his seat on the top of the obelisk, may has felt "too high and supernal to be warm and cozy enough" long, long before.

灵魂,或者是我们根据准则而所谓的灵魂,是对身体行为的一种超自然的批评,这种超自然的批评永远的存在于我们流动的思想之中。The soul, or the principle that we call the soul, is the supernal criticism of the deeds done in the body, which goes perpetually on in the waking mind.

醉罗汉峰东面,一组石峰高耸横列,有的似灯,有的似矛,有的像柄巨斧,有的像神犬蹲伏。There are a group of stone peaks lining up athwart-ships in the east of Drunken Arhat. Some are like lamps, some spears, some giant axes, and some supernal dogs squatting.

有人相信这是因为它是圣贤与天督的母语,而他们在上界的统治权赋予了这种语言超越下界的力量。It is believed that this is because it was the native tongue of the Oracles and Exarchs, and their reign in the Supernal World gives their language power over the Fallen World.

此设备具有响应速度快、输出的正弦波失真小、智能化程度高、抗干扰能力强、功率因数和效率高的特点。This equipment is speedy in answer to speed, deferent sine wave distortion is small, intelligentize degree is high, anti-jamming is better, the power complication and the efficiency is supernal.

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在神鬼与人的关系中,民众没有把神鬼想象为“至善”者,它们除了肯定日常德范以外,不再向众生指示更高的道德理想。The conclusion is that the belief of gods-and-ghosts affirm everyday mores instead of supernal moral ideals, it cannot become a kind of ideology to allure people to transcend their everyday life.