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如何生存黄色夹克的园林。Buy online yellow jackets with ephedra.

文献报道中麻黄汤治疗疾病达45种之多,其中以肺系疾病为多。The Chinese ephedra decoction treats the disease and is up to more than 45 kinds in the document report.

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如果病人的桂汤证多些,麻黄汤证少些还可以桂枝二麻黄一汤治之。If the patient's Gui Tang permit more evidence ephedra soup can also be less Guizhi two ephedra-Tang rule.

生署亦于一月到健美中心视察,但并无发现任何产品含有麻黄。Dh also visited physical fitness centres in the same month , but no product containing ephedra was detected.

由于该种雌毬果苞片成熟时肉质,因此应归入麻黄属肉苞组。This new species is assigned to E. sect. Ephedra in that the bracts of female cones become fleshy at maturity.

本文论述了内蒙古赤峰地区草麻黄的分布和生态特性。This article has expounded the distribution and ecologic character of Chinese Ephedra in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia.

苦橙提取物在很多减肥补充剂中都已经取代了麻黄。Take bitter orange extract, a substance that has replaced ephedra as an ingredient in many weight-loss supplements.

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2004年,麻黄因其引起的16000多例不良反应事件,包括中风和死亡,而被禁止使用。Ephedra was banned in 2004 after causing more than 16, 000 adverse events, including several cases of stroke and death.

针对目前麻黄资源严重破坏的现状,提出了今后合理开发利用和保护的具体措施。For this situation, the detailed measures of reasonable utilization and protection are proposed for the Ephedra resources.

目的观察复方麻芩汤对哮喘患儿免疫功能的调节作用。Objective To observe how to regulate immune function of child with asthma by Combination Ephedra and Scutellaria Decoction.

功能设计法是现代设计方法中重要的一种,本文运用此方法就麻黄草收割问题制定了设计方案。The article adopts fundamental principle of function design and customizes the design program of reaping machine for ephedra.

甘草、麻黄若与洋地黄、地高等强心西药合用,可诱发洋地黄中毒、引起心律失常。Licorice, ephedra if and digitalis, to advanced cardiac western medicine can be induced by digitalis poisoning, caused by arrhythmias.

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本月六日,美国食物及药物管理局实行全面禁止销售含麻黄成分的食物补充品。On the sixth of this month , the u . s . food and drug administration imposed a total ban on the sale of dietary supplements containing ephedra.

目前,在麻黄草的种植过程中,其他环节基本上都已实现了机械化作业,唯有收获作业仍采用人工。At present, in the process of ephedra cropping, the most links have implemented mechanized working operation basically, except the reaping process.

通过绘制这种新型切割器的切割图和计算割茬高度,论证了该新型切割器适用于收割麻黄草的可行性。The article proves that the new cutter is applicable for ephedra reaping by protracting the cutting graph of new cutter and calculating stubble heights.

目的比较用合煎方法及用颗粒沸水冲泡法制备的麻黄汤中苦杏仁苷的含量变化。Objective To compare the contents of amygdaloside in Ephedra Decoctions made by using traditional method with that by soaking granules with boiling water.

在中部低山丘陵干草原区呈零星分布,在西北部山地草甸草原区无分布。Most Chinese Ephedra are growing in hilly sandy dry rangeland area in the southeast and a few growing in low hilly dry rangeland area in the middle of this area.

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麻黄、桂枝、细辛、羌活、防风、紫锥菊、合成牛黄、蟾酥、冰片等。Ephedra sinica, RAMULUS CINNAMOMI, Asarum sieboldii, Notopterygium, Saposhnikovia divaricata, Echinacea , calculus bovis, Dried Venom of Toads, borneol and so on.

红外光谱检测和核磁共振检测结果表明,其产生的次生代谢物属于麻黄生物碱,还可能是麻黄碱和伪麻黄碱的混合物。The results of IR and HNMR was analyzed and it was supposed that the extract was belong to ephedra alkaloid and might be a mixture of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine.

同时结合临床实践经验,论述了如何根据证候表现、切中病机,灵活应用麻黄以祛除皮肤之疾。Moreover, in this article, the author discussed the idea on how to use Ephedra flexibly to cure skin diseases based on pathogenesis, combining with clinical experiences.