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给大多数部门分配固定的资金。Allot regular funding to most departments.

政府准备在那个地区分配住房。The government is ready to allot houses in that area.

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你每天分配一定的时间研究市场。You allot a certain amount of time to the markets each day.

询盘如此之多,我们只能分给你们200箱货。Enquiries are so large that we can only allot you 200 cases.

作为一个顶级举重运动员,你需要很强的整体灵活性。To be a top weightlifter you need allot of overall flexibility.

二要将可控指标层层分解落实到联保基本单元。Second, decompose the control indicators and allot them to the basic joint liability unit.

这种人他们自己将会在考前分配给自己足够的时间以慢悠悠吃饭洗澡。This person will even allot themselves enough time before the exam to enjoy a meal AND shower.

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尽管这三个月没有足够的时间进行测试,这使递减率不断增加。The three months, though, didn't allot enough time for test, causing an increased regression rate.

拱墅区政府还计划拨款一亿元用来推进学校建设。The Gongshu District also planned to allot 100 million yuan to further improve the conditions of schools.

在贩毒过程中,为了不向当地运营商缴纳现金,得拨给他们一份货物。Instead of giving cash to local operators on trafficking routes, they would allot them a share of the shipment.

更多的数据,我们分配一个视频,少了,我们必须扔掉,我们保留更多的原图片。The more data we allot to a video, the less we have to throw out, and we preserve more of the original picture.

他们没有配的就业机会和他们喝分配,是因为确实没有很多工作要做有其他明智的。They don't have allot of job opportunities and they drank allot because there is really nothing much to do there other wise.

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别把我弄糊涂了,力量举需要很多的技术,我刚才说的意思是举重是更热门的竞技运动。Don't get me wrong, powerlifting takes allot of skill, I'm just saying that there is more athleticism involved in weightlifting.

务必确认你把时间分配到了你清单上的事——不要把这些都花在了电视或者用其他事情填满你的时间。Be sure to allot that time you’ve created to the things on your short list —don’t just use it up with television or other space fillers.

在企业进行生产的过程中,如何进行安全投资的预测、如何进行安全投资分配才能取得最大的安全效益是企业关心的问题。It is an important question for enterprise that how to confirm safety investment and allot safety investment in the process of production.

不管是轻微还是严重反复检查,对我们的身心和生活来说,都是一种没有效率的表现。Whether its a little over checking or allot of over checking either way over checking is not energy efficient to our bodies, mind and life.

高价值的人能很好地管理时间、情感和能量,能根据优先级列表仔细分配个人资源。High-value people are excellent time, emotion, and energy managers who carefully allot their personal resources according to their priority list.

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网络在社会资源合理分配中起着举足轻重的作用,人们通过网络获得市场信息,通过网络配置商品。Internet has been playing a significant role in rational allocation of social recources. People use internet to obtain market information and to allot goods.

消费者将生产手段的控制分配给那些知道如何最好的使用它们的人,用以满足消费者本人最急切的需求。The consumers allot control of the means of production to those who know how to use them best for the satisfaction of the most urgent wants of the consumers.

河北省政府日前决定从财政中拿出3.16亿元补贴奶农,按照每头奶牛200元的标准给奶农发放饲料补贴。The Hebei provincial government recently decided to allot RMB316m from the fiscal budget as subsidies for dairy farmers, giving them RMB200 for each milk cow.