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福克纳在另一方面有异议--情节的虚构度不够。It's not fictional enough.

遇见你纯属意外,爱上你纯属虚构。Meet you, love you purely fictional.

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那是虚构的艺术形象。It's only a fictional artistic image.

纽约大学是一所很完美的学校,就像小说里面描述的一样。UNY is actually a fictional university.

很多虚构的故事非常能说明这个道理The best examples of this are fictional.

只用故事情节来描述虚构作品。Plot-only description of fictional works.

虚构出来的丽贝卡.鲁宾是一个刚出生只有18英寸高的小家伙。The fictional Rebecca Rubin was a new 18-in.

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社区是具体而微的,又是虚构的。Community is specific and real, but fictional too.

我们的人生与这些虚构人物是一样的。As with these fictional characters, so with our lives.

好吧,我不觉得我像一个幽灵,或者一个虚构的角色。Well, I don’t feel like a spirit. Or a fictional character.

Inman先生说那些读者“盼望”小说的视频版本。Mr. Inman said readers then “warmed to” the fictional editions.

故事讲完了,纯属事实,毫无虚构。End of story, completely true, without any fictional decoration.

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琼瑶说她的故事都是富有真感情的。Qiongyao said that her stories are fictional with true sentiments.

而流传下来的故事里涉及到这副面具时都说是铁面具。Fictional retellings of the story refer to the mask as an “Iron” mask.

不明白为何说是虚构的国家。She is the crown princess of Genovia, a tiny fictional European nation.

他试图以大量虚构的情节为自己的故事添油加醋。He tried to design many fictional plots to make addictive of his article.

事实上,一个虚构的家庭很少被如此深情或丰富的构想出来。Seldom, in fact, has a fictional family been so lovingly or richly imagined.

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这会创建一组虚构的用户、股票、价格和其他参数。This creates a fictional set of users, stocks, prices, and other parameters.

从时空倒错中找寻作者建构在虚构作品中的张力。It also attempts to seek the fictional tension in temporal-spatial labyrinth.

对于爱情,小说的创作最初为此惊叹,进而对此进行了卓有成效的反思。Of love, fictional creation has the initial wonder and the fecund rumination.