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这些盒子是纸板做的。The boxes are made of pasteboard.

每块金属板中间嵌进湿纸板或布料。Moistened pasteboard or cloth was inserted between each disc.

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然后,你就可以迅速检索项目从您的纸板重用。Then you can quickly retrieve items from your pasteboard to reuse.

你可以通过参数改变黏贴板的大小。You can change the size of the pasteboard in InDesign preferences.

是的,我已经拿到纸板的源程序数据。Yes, I have managed to get the source-application for the pasteboard data.

压制板重而光滑的纸板或硬纸板,主要用于覆盖印刷机的压纸卷筒或滚筒。A heavy glazed paper or pasteboard used especially to cover the platen or cylinder of a printing press.

她把饭盒打开,把午饭拿出来用手绢包好,然后放在一个小纸盒里。She opened the pail, removed the lunch, wrapped it in the napkin, and placed it in a small pasteboard box.

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雅卡织布机是第一台用带孔厚纸片来控制的织布机。Jacquard’s loom was the first to use pasteboard cards with holes punched in them to control the operation of a loom.

如果你以同样的方法,用一个从硬纸板上剪下的三角形或正方形做实验,相同的事情会再次发生。The same thing would happen if you were to treat in the same way a Triangle, or Square , or any other figure cut out of pasteboard.

它还应该支持粘贴板,而且能够在其它相同的或不同的平台系统中,读出文件的格式。It might therefore support the pasteboard and be able to read file formats from other programs on either the same or a different platform.

在十字街头,他把名片交给“户外大厦”的信使“北风”,好让住户们有个准备。At the corners of four streets he hands his pasteboard to the North Wind, footman of the mansion of All Outdoors, so that the inhabitants thereof may make ready.