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我们知道如果我们再次运行Finder程序。We know if we relaunch the Finder.

活力的一个获奖的非小说系列。Relaunch of an award-winning non-fiction series.

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用户可以根据需要关闭并重新启动任务页。Users can close and relaunch task pages as required.

同样,请记住关闭运行时实例,然后重新启动。Remember to close the run-time instance and relaunch.

马自达希望用这名美国游泳天才使马自达6睿翼在中国再创车市奇迹。Mazda has tapped American swimming sensation Michael Phelps to relaunch its Mazda 6 in China.

如果不小心关掉了公告板,重启时公告板会提示你所有便签的位置。Should you close the board by accident, it'll remember the position of all your stickies when you relaunch.

自该品牌今年年初重新上市以来,仅售出11,088辆汽车,其中3,106辆是在8月份完成的。Since its relaunch earlier this year, 11, 088 have found buyers, with 3, 106 of the sales coming in August.

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展馆中,我们在上海重启自行车,作为现代生活方式和可持续城市发展的象征。With the pavilion we relaunch the bike in Shanghai as a symbol of modern lifestyle and sustainable urban development.

米勒表示,新闻集团正计划再次改造MySpace,并预计于今年晚些时候重新推出。Miller said News Corp is planning another reinvention of the beleaguered site with a relaunch expected later this year.

默克尔希望柏林宣言不但能重起欧盟工程,同时还让宪法重新进入批准程序。Ms Merkel hopes that the Berlin declaration will not only relaunch the EU but also start resuscitating the constitution.

目前,美国宇航局的卫星再发射项目正在等待白宫批准,并将进入明年的预算审核程序。The relaunch of the NASA satellite is awaiting White House approval and is going through the budget process for next year.

以巴谈判一直处于停滞状态,直至最近,米切尔才成功地说服双方重新启动非直接和平谈判。Talks were stalled until Mitchell was successful recently in getting the two sides to agree to relaunch indirect peace talks.

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当您关闭程序并存储之后,在您再一次启动它时,工具栏的模式,状态以及位置都会得到保存。The mode, state, and position of the toolbar is stored when you close the application and restored when you relaunch it later.

蓝钟的重新启动集合是通过一个独特的互动式短按安德烈亚斯菲利普尼尔森尼尔森执导的影片介绍。The relaunch of Blue Bell collection is presented through a unique interactive short film directed by Filip Nilsson & Andreas Nilsson.

我发现有些软件会崩溃,无法使用,唯一的办法就是在任务菜单里删除它们,然后再“重新启动”。I have had some apps break or become unusable, and the only solution was to delete them from the multitasking menu and "relaunch" them.

之后,在适当时间的小时候,他可以重新出现在众人的眼里——可能满含热泪的出现在“奥普拉脱口秀”?Then, after a suitable period of absence, he can relaunch himself in the public eye—perhaps a tearful appearance on "The Oprah Winfrey Show"?

之后,在适当时间的小时候,他可以重新出现在众人的眼里——可能满含热泪的出现在“奥普拉脱口秀”?Then, after a suitable period of absence, he can relaunch himself in the public eye—perhaps a tearful appearance on “The Oprah Winfrey Show”?

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在这家百年老牌汽车制造商寻求重新崛起之际,对通用长期起来备受诟病的企业文化进行大刀阔斧地改革,是韩德胜的一个重要任务.That bid to shake up GM's long-criticized corporate culture will be a key issue for Henderson as the 100-year-old automaker seeks to relaunch itself.

他的使命就是重新发掘那波里歌曲,让意大利和海外的观众再度聆听那些经典曲目并感觉耳目一新。His mission was to relaunch and make audiences appreciate the Neapolitan Song in Italy and abroad through the re-reading of the repertoire of the Classics.

新版主页的上线还伴随着雅虎搜索引擎用户界面的更新,目前雅虎的搜索引擎还未能从微软的新搜索引擎必应中获利。The portal's relaunch is accompanied by an overhaul of the user interface of Yahoo's search engine, which does not yet profit from Microsoft's new search engine Bing.