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桦木胶合板结构。Birch plywood construction.

他们用桦条鞭打他。They beat him with a birch rod.

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下午过一座森林,黑橡与赤杨。At two a forest of oak and birch.

桦木胶合板箱体,黑色喷漆。Black painted Birch plywood enclosure.

赤杨属于桦木科。Alder trees belong to the birch family.

看到这片白桦林。At the sight of this white birch grove.

桦树枝,厥叶,车前花。Birch Sticks, Fern Leaves, Ribwort Stems.

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亚麻籽,桦木条做成的扫帚,槭糖flaxseed, birch brooms, maple sugar, goose

它颤抖着,如桦树枝在网罗空气。It trembles as birch limbs webbing the air.

波罗的海桦木箱体,聚脲涂料。Baltic Birch enclosure with Polyurea coating.

白桦树像蛇一样剥脱了老皮。The silver birch sheds its skin like a snake.

我们发现桦树皮可以作纸用。We found that birch bark could serve as paper.

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纸皮桦和花旗松到底是怎么交流的呢?How were paper birch and Douglas fir communicating?

只用走上几步路,我就可以置身于云杉、桦树和柳树之间。A few paces puts me among spruce and birch and willow.

选择较为高大的桦树,用锤子将导管钉入树体,第一批树汁流出来了,耐心等待。A birch should be big. Then hammer a tube into the tree.

将被制成棺木的桦树,高于被制成提琴的桦树。The birch used for coffins overtops that used for violins.

死人眼中的桦树,高于生者眼中的桦树。The birch seen from the dead overtops that from the living.

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本文论述了桦林的稳定性。The present paper deals with stability of the birch forest.

桦树松散地分散在整个区域。Birch trees are loosely spread throughout the zone as a whole.

是的,我有。是高顿·劳森,地址是白桦树街986号。Yes, I do. It's Gordon Lawson, at No. 986, White Birch Street.