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比亚里茨,加索尔,圣让皮耶德港也在那里。Biarritz, Pau and Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port are here.

加索尔拿到了这个助攻,但这一切都起源于科比的那次伟大的跳起传球。Pau got the dime, but Kobe’s play was the bucket’s genesis.

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自从交易走加索尔之后,灰熊的战绩是5胜20负。The Grizzlies are 5-20 since trading Pau Gasol to the Lakers.

比奥多姆、加索尔甚至科比更适合做中枢轴。Better in the pivot than Lamar Odom, Pau Gasol, and even Kobe.

我很高兴我的球队可以拥有保罗-加索尔。真的,还有什麽能让我不高兴呢?I like having Pau Gasol on my team. Really, what's not to like?

加索尔和拜纳姆在保护篮板球上是很出色的。Pau and Andrew, their work on the boards tonight was sensational.

枷锁锦上添花似地得了18分,喇嘛从替补席上窜上来也得到了16分。Pau Gasol added 18 points and Lamar Odom had 16 in a reserve role.

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加索尔和拜纳姆在一起的前场有足够的空间给他们两人发挥么?Is there room in the frontcourt for both Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum ?

他已经不再是那个“小加索尔”了,上赛季马克完全压制了哥哥保罗。No longer the "Lesser Gasol," Marc dominated big bro Pau last season.

像正在欣赏阅兵的黎鲍莫一样的许多中国人都同意这一说法。Many Chinese agree like Lai Pau Mok who is enjoying the military parade.

像正在欣赏阅兵的黎鲍莫一样的许多中国人都同意这一说法。Many Chinese agree, like Lai Pau Mok, who is enjoying the military parade.

但是,科比的身后有两个7英尺的球员——保罗·加索尔和安德鲁·拜纳姆。But Kobe has two seven-footers at his disposal in Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum.

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如果他们能用夸梅布朗交易到加索尔,你能想到他们会用拜纳姆交易到谁?If they got Pau Gasol for Kwame Brown, imagine what they could get for Bynum.

如果能克服雅典奥运会后的疲劳,那它将为孟菲斯灰熊队贡献一个魔鬼赛季。Could make a case for either Manu or Pau as the top hoopster of the 2004 Games.

日扭伤左脚踝之后,第一次进行训练。Pau Gasol practiced for the first time since spraining his left ankle March 14.

PAU可突破动脉外膜形成假性动脉瘤、或可发生破裂。PAU can break through into the adventitia to form a pseudoaneurysm or may rupture.

就在二月一号这天,湖人从孟菲斯灰熊队得到了保罗-加索尔。The Lakers dropped theirs Feb. 1 when they acquired Pau Gasol from the Memphis Grizzlies.

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用加索尔和奥多姆先发用来对抗那些小个快速的球队,而拜纳姆则是放在替补席上。Pau and Odom starting against the smaller, quicker teams, with Bynum coming off the bench.

不过第四节小斯苏醒,取下12分,并在加索尔头上来了一记暴扣。But Stoudemire awoke with 12 points in the fourth, including a thunderous dunk on Pau Gasol.

在11月份我们一定会看到全联盟第二的中锋的出彩表现。In November we'll all act surprised that Pau is still clearly the league's second-best center.