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骚扰和恐吓。Harassment and intimidation.

CAA宣布,对家庭教会的骚扰正在增加。CAA claims harassment of house churches is rising.

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他面临跟踪和骚扰等数宗轻罪指控。He faces misdemeanor counts of stalking and harassment.

不允许任何岐视及骚扰。Never tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind.

郡警察局长说性骚扰应受谴责。The Chief Constable said that sexual harassment was deplorable.

该调查没有询问关于短信骚扰所带来的压力。The study did not ask about distress over text-message harassment.

它可以被用于监视复杂的交易案例。It can be used to monitor for cases of harassment or warez trading.

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我还尝试了对星灵和异虫用速恶棍骚扰战术。I also tried quick hellions for harassment vs both protoss and zerg.

他告诉我的第一件事是,性骚扰,你是怎么知道我的?The first thing he told me was Sexual harassment How did you know me?

首先,我不能容忍骚扰或任何其它形式的不正当行为。First, I will not tolerate harassment or any other form of misconduct.

机械蜈蚣是重要的打带跑+基地坦克骚扰单位。Mechapedes are essentially a hit and run base and tank harassment unit.

反歧视法保护每个人在工作中避免性骚扰。Anti-discrimination laws protect everyone from sexual harassment at work.

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生活中,许多女性尤其是年轻女性都会受到痛经的骚扰。Life, many women, especially young women will be dysmenorrhea harassment.

女性办公室舔冰棍是性骚扰。How a woman suggestively licking a lolly could face a sex harassment case.

Dicky在学校里又遭到同学的欺负和老师的刁难。At school, Dicky is subjected to harassment by his classmates and teachers.

同性骚扰表现出两类最频繁发生的欺侮现象。Same-gender harassment defines the two most frequent categories of bullying.

比如,同龄人群施加的压力,同龄人的取笑、散播谣言、性歧视或者种族主义折磨。peer group pressure, teasing, spreading rumours, sexist or racist harassment.

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作为苏军,你应该跳过双刃骚扰的步骤转而造基洛夫。As Soviets you should skip Twinblades for harassment and instead go for Kirovs.

欣父规避追债没了踪迹,拖累欣母倍受讨债骚扰。Father of avoid dunning, no sign of drag more female debt collection harassment.

昨天在更衣间有没有遇到小麻烦?人们有没有向你谈起呢?Q. Harassment in the locker room yesterday? Were people talking about it to you?