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标准之下的失败者和获胜者Winners and Losers from a Standards Shakeout

在这段小小的崩跌过程中,我输掉了约三分之一的仓位。I lost some one third of my position on that little shakeout.

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他们把过量商品投放到市场上,试图导致竞争对手的震动。They glutted the market in order to cause a shakeout of their competitors.

同样,许多亚洲B2B电子市场很可能会看到一个洗牌。Similarly, the multitude of Asian B2B e-marketplaces is likely to see a shakeout.

采用燕尾槽活块结构解决了卡头内腔出芯问题。The core shakeout problem for clamp casting was solved using dovetail slot structure.

你可曾注意到当你在体侧摆动手臂的时候充血通常更严重了?Have you ever noticed how the pump often increases as you begin the shakeout process with your arm by your side?

中等层次商学院的不景气状况将对该大学的财政状况带来严重影响,这将是非常糟糕的。A shakeout of mid-ranking business schools would hurt the finances of a lot of universities, which would be nasty.

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中国经济决策者只能希望未来震荡的创造性方面超过破坏性方面。China's economic policymakers can only hope that the creative aspects of the coming shakeout outweigh the destruction.

视频监控采用电视墙进行图像矩阵切换,采用硬盘录像。The video shakeout system uses a television wall to switch the video matrix, and uses a hard disk to record the image.

落砂机完成落砂过程,滚筒式落砂机同时对铸件达到清理目的。While the shakeout machine finishes the shaking out procedure, barrel type shakeout machine also complete the fettling process.

可是这次天然气价格的跳水有点跳的太猛,那些手里掌握上好天然气资产的公司有可能挺不过去。But the plunge in natural-gas prices has been so severe and could last so long that some companies with the best natural-gas assets may not survive the shakeout.

据瑞银高管介绍,亚洲金融服务业的人才之争导致成本不断上升,有可能导致该行业的重新洗牌。The battle for financial-services talent in Asia is causing costs to spiral and will likely lead to a shakeout in the industry, according to UBS senior executives.

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通过保持专注于其核心的在线支付业务和放弃开发其他产品,他掌着PayPal的舵度过了经济衰退的早期日子。He steered PayPal through the early days of the shakeout by maintaining a focus on its core online-payments business and by ditching plans to develop other offerings.

很多行业都面临着大洗牌,一些低效企业面临倒闭,无数人员面临失业,除非中国政府找到刺激内需的灵丹妙药。Many sectors face a massive shakeout of their most inefficient companies -- and a huge loss of jobs -- unless the Beijing government can find a way to increase demand.

然而由于手臂的位置低于心脏,所以抖动悬垂的手臂只能让新鲜的血液流进前臂,但是不能促进“陈血”流出前臂。While the dangling-arm shakeout allows good blood flow into the forearm, it doesn’t help the flow of “old blood” out of the forearm, due to the arm’s position below your heart.

电动汽车生产电池的企业似乎即将迎来一轮优胜劣汰,政府为促进这一新兴产业提供补贴的做法,可能导致2015年之前出现供过于求的局面。Companies making batteries for electric vehicles appear headed for a shakeout as government subsidies to foster the emerging industry could result in a glut by the middle of the decade.

于是巨大的资本投入开始了,随之而来的就是产能的大幅提高,而这极有可能成为全球汽车行业下一轮危机的导火索。The result is a capital-spending spree so large, and resulting new manufacturing capacity so great, that it could be the cause of the next collapse and shakeout in the global auto industry.

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但分析师和银行人士表示,随着库存和债务越积越多,利润萎缩且市场恶化,大批实力较弱的太阳能企业可能最终被淘汰出局.However, mounting unsold products, spiraling debts, shrinking profits and a worsening market could lead to a major shakeout of the legions of weaker Chinese companies, analysts and bankers say.