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袭帝文明,梁正左右。Hit Dili civilization, beams so.

反对澳大利亚的涂鸦在首都帝力各处喷涂。Anti-Australia graffiti is sprinkled around the capital, Dili.

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前来求婚的法兰西国王慧眼识人,娶考狄利娅为皇后。The French king to marry him eye know, married to Queen's test Dili Ya.

下周,预计将有更多的杀虫剂和杀幼虫剂运抵帝力。Additional insecticides and larvicides are expected to reach Dili next week.

似乎早已悟出了中国画“妙在似与不似之间”的真帝。China seems to have already realize the painting, Miao-like and not like in between the real Dili.

帝力工商界人士达席尔瓦说,对总统的刺杀图谋令人感到震惊Dili businessman, Alchino da Silva, says the apparent assassination attempt o the president has come as a shock.

东帝汶首都迪力一间投票所里,妇女排队等待投票。East Timorese women stand in line as they wait to cast their ballots at a polling station in Dili April 9, 2007.

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先帝在世时,每次和我谈论这些事情,没有不对桓、灵二帝的昏庸感到痛心遗憾的。Xiandi alive, and every time I talk about these things, no wrong-hwan, the spirit of Dili Hunyong feel sad regret.

但战事不利,考狄利娅被杀死,李尔王守着心爱的小女儿的尸体悲痛地死去。However, unfavorable war, test Dili Ya was killed, King Lear Shouzhe the beloved daughter of the dead bodies of grief.

雷纳多在伏击中被打死,但是他的副手逃进了首都东帝汶周围的山区。He was killed in the attack but his key lieutenants escaped into the mountains that surround East Timor's capital, Dili.

尧,姓伊祁,名放勋,号陶唐氏,系轩辕黄帝五世孙,父帝喾,母庆都。Yao, surnamed Qi in Iraq, were released hoon, wept down, is the Yellow Emperor V sun, father mother Dili Ku, celebrates all.

世界卫生组织在管理登革热和登革出血热以及确定干预措施以高危地区为目标方面正在向帝力国家医院提供支持。WHO is providing support to the Dili National Hospital in the management of dengue and DHF and in targeting interventions in high-risk areas.

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在帝力开车尤其危险,大卡车、军车和小贩、行人、牲畜在马路上互相挤来挤去。Driving in Dili is especially hazardous, with large trucks and military vehicles sharing the streets with vendors, pedestrians, and livestock.

东帝汶的总统批评澳大利亚领导的国际部队没能抓获2月在首都帝力他的住宅外向他开枪射击的反叛分子。East Timor's president has criticized Australian-led forces for failing to capture the rebels who shot him outside his home in Dili last month.

虽然药物性肝损伤的确切机制尚不清楚,但研究人员认为,是否出现肝损伤与患者的个体基因有关。Although the exact mechanism of DILI is unknown, research suggests that a person's genes contribute to their likelihood of developing the injury.

1991年,数百名要求独立的高梅斯支持者为了纪念他,在街上举行纪念游行,印尼警方随即对这些支持者开火。Indonesian troops opened fire into hundreds of pro-independence protestors holding a memorial procession for East Timorese Sebastio Gomez in Dili in 1991.

杀虫剂喷洒已覆盖超过2000个家庭,并且在帝力和包考正在进行补充喷洒和幼虫控制。Insecticide spraying has covered more than 2000 households in high-risk areas, and additional spraying and larval control are underway in Dili and Baucau.

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东帝汶外交部长扎卡里亚斯.德.科斯塔说,帝力的局势平静,但他强调说,东帝汶处在一个极为脆弱的地位。East Timor's foreign minister, Zacarias de Costa, said the situation in Dili is calm, but he stressed that his country is in an extremely fragile position.

公司是金茂大厦、世博园、帝森克虏伯电梯、好孩子集团、屋企汤馆、绿地万豪酒店等的长期战略伙伴。Is the Jinmao Tower, World Expo, Dili Senke ThyssenKrupp Elevator, boy group, family survive Tom Hall, the green Marriott hotels and other long-term strategic partner.

霍塔将于周四回到狄力的住家以及恢复总统职务,两个月前他差点在反叛军的刺杀行动中丧生。Ramos-Horta will return home to Dili and resume his presidential duties on Thursday, two months after nearly losing his life in an assassination attempt by rebel soldiers.